Saturday 28 March 2020

Oral Test

Oral Test
The oral exam (also oral test or viva voceRigorosum in German-speaking nations) is a practice in many schools and disciplines in which an examiner poses questions to the student in spoken form. The student has to answer the question in such a way as to demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the subject to pass the exam. The oral exam also helps reduce (although it does not eliminate) the risk of granting a degree to a candidate who has had the thesis or dissertation written by an expert.
1.      It’s a better way of testing the understanding of the content whereas conventional examinations are more geared towards rote memorisation.
2.      We are likely to gain a better idea of who to look out for in the future.
3.      It can be given anywhere and anytime by adult who have some historical facts
4.      It is less expensive compared to other source of historical information such as books and museums. this is because it does not need selling and buying of information
5.      It does not need a person to know how to read and write
6.      It is possible to ask questions to the oral informant so as to in-depth information

1.      It takes a lot of time and manpower. The class size for this module was about 80 which is very small, using 4 examiners it still took several days to complete this relatively small assessment.
2.      The lack of standardisation of questions can lead to situations which may be perceived as unfair. For example if a student does well in the core content then you may ask them about more advanced or different, but related, topics. Another student may do poorly in the core content but know a good deal about those extra topics for whatever reason..

  1. Oral tradition does not go very far in the past. the transmission of information depend on the power of memories of successive generations
  2. Oral tradition does not maintain the same value of the oral history; instead the values keeps on changing as time goes
  3. Oral tradition may be biased. This is possible because of nature of transmission itself. oral transmission is full of exaggeration, creativity and sometimes the informant may talk of good things only.

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