Friday 27 March 2020

Aims and objective of teaching Mathematics

Aims and objective of teaching Mathematics                    

The aims of teaching and learning mathematics are to encourage and enable students to:
  • recognize that mathematics permeates the world around us
  • appreciate the usefulness, power and beauty of mathematics
  • enjoy mathematics and develop patience and persistence when solving problems
  • understand and be able to use the language, symbols and notation of mathematics
  • develop mathematical curiosity and use inductive and deductive reasoning when solving problems
  • become confident in using mathematics to analyze and solve problems both in school and in real-life situations
  • develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to pursue further studies in mathematics
  • develop abstract, logical and critical thinking and the ability to reflect critically upon their work and the work of others
  • develop a critical appreciation of the use of information and communication technology in mathematics
  • Appreciate the international dimension of mathematics and its multicultural and historical perspectives.

Aims of the Secondary School Mathematics Education:
The secondary school mathematics curriculum continues the development of the learning of mathematics in the primary school. To enable students to cope confidently with the mathematics needed in their future studies, workplaces or daily life in a technological and information-rich society, the curriculum aims at developing students: the ability to conceptualize, inquire, reason and communicate mathematically, and to use mathematics to formulate and solve problems in daily life as well as in mathematical contexts; the ability to manipulate numbers, symbols and other mathematical objects; the number sense, symbol sense, spatial sense and a sense of measurement as well as the capability in appreciating structures and patterns; a positive attitude towards mathematics and the capability in appreciating the aesthetic nature and cultural aspect of mathematics.

1.      Knowledge and understanding Domain :
Knowledge and understanding are fundamental to studying mathematics and form the base from which to explore concepts and develop problem-solving skills. Through knowledge and understanding students develop mathematical reasoning to make deductions and solve problems.
To induce children to understand and grasp the knowledge of the following:
the directed numbers and the real number system the algebraic symbols to describe relations among quantities and number patterns; the equations, inequalities, identities, formulas and functions; the measures for simple 2-D and 3-D figures; the intuitive, deductive and analytic approach to study geometric figures; the trigonometric ratios and functions; the statistical methods and statistical measures; the simple ideas of probability and laws of probability.

2.     Attitude Domain:
To foster the attitudes to: be interested in learning mathematics; be confident in their abilities to do mathematics; willingly apply mathematical knowledge; appreciate that mathematics is a dynamic field with its roots in many cultures; appreciate the precise and aesthetic aspect of mathematics; appreciate the role of mathematics in human affairs; be willing to persist in solving problems; be willing to work cooperatively with people and to value the contribution of others.

3.     Skill Domain:
To develop the following skills and capabilities in: basic computations in real numbers and symbols and an ability to judge reasonableness of results; using the mathematical language to communicate ideas; reasoning mathematically, i.e. they should conjecture, test and build arguments about the validity of a proposition; applying mathematical knowledge to solve a variety of problems; handling data and generating information; number sense and spatial sense; using modern technology appropriately to learn and do mathematics; learning mathematics independently and collaboratively for the whole life.

4.      Investigating patterns
Investigating patterns allows students to experience the excitement and satisfaction of mathematical discovery. Mathematical inquiry encourages students to become risk-takers, inquirers and critical thinkers. Through the use of mathematical investigations, students are given the opportunity to apply mathematical knowledge and problem-solving techniques to investigate a problem, generate and/or analyse information, find relationships and patterns, describe these mathematically as general rules, and justify or prove them.
5.      Communication in mathematics
Mathematics provides a powerful and universal language. Students are expected to use mathematical language appropriately when communicating mathematical ideas, reasoning and findings—both orally and in writing.
Students are encouraged to choose and use ICT tools as appropriate and, where available, to enhance communication of their mathematical ideas. ICT tools can include graphic display calculators, screenshots, graphing, spreadsheets, databases, and drawing and word-processing software.
6.     Reflection in mathematics
 Mathematics encourages students to reflect upon their findings and problem-solving processes. Students are encouraged to share their thinking with teachers and peers and to examine different problem-solving strategies. Critical reflection in mathematics helps students gain insight into their strengths and weaknesses as learners and to appreciate the value of errors as powerful motivators to enhance learning and understanding.

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