Friday 27 March 2020

Achievement Test

Achievement Test
Meaning:- The objective of evaluation is to provide a clear reliable and valid description about the pupil’s achievement.
Types:- Teacher made tests (written , oral, objective, essay type.)
Standardized test:- Uniformity of procedure in scoring, administering and interpreting the test results. (To diagnose learning difficulties evaluation of curriculum)
Planning the test:
1)      What is to be measured?
2)      What content areas should be included ?
3)      What types of test items are to be included?
Therefore the 1st step includes three major considerations.
1)      Determining the objectives of testing.
2)       Preparing test specifications in teaching and learning process
3)      Selecting appropriate item types.
 Preparing test specification :
   Weightage  for the instructional objectives:
  Knowledge – 30%     Understanding - 30%   Application – 30%  Skill-   10%
Weightage to different topics = (total no. of items (marks)/ total no. of pages in the book)
×no.  of pages in topics
Selecting appropriate items types:
To decided appropriate item types. (objective type, essay type etc.)
Preparing the test :
Preparing the test items : Learning out come to be measured  , all types of instructional objectives and the whole content area,
The test item should be free from ambiguity  i.e should be clear
 Examlpe: poor items-  How many sides in polygon?
Better – How many sides in  Triangle?
Appropriate difficulty level free from Technical error.
2.Preparing instruction for the test: Direction ( time, marks, steps etc)
3. Preparing the scoring key : Marking Scheme
Try out of the test ( validity, Reliability, usability) of test.
a)      Functions- Administration of the test: Sitting arrangement, light, infrastructures, ventilation

b)      Scoring of The  Test

Score = R – (W/N-1)
R – No. of right response
W -  No. of wrong response
N –No. of alternative
Evaluating the test: Quality of the test, quality of the responses
a)Item Analysis – ( appropriate difficulty level)  Multiple choice type items are effective.
Item analysis data also help us
Efficient class discussion
The remedial  works.
To increase skill in test  construction.
To improve class room  discussion.
Item Analysis Procedure :–
27% from highest, 27% from lowest out of 60 ( 16 – h, 16 – L )
Item difficulty: (R/T )× 100
          R – No. of students response correct (right)
          T – No. of students tried the item
Out of 32 students , R – 20, T – 30
Find. I.D =(20/30) × 100.
If value comes < 25%  Too difficult,  25 %<I.D<75% difficult    > 75% - Too easy item.
Discriminating power  = (RU – RL) /T/2
RU – No. of students response the right answer from upper group.
RL – No. of students response the right answer from lower group
      T –  Total no. of students
Example:  If  RU  = 15 , RL = 5  T= 32
Discriminating power  (D.P)  = (15-5)/16 = .63
.63 – average discriminating power
If RU = RL   i.e  0 discriminating power
If RU =  All correct, RL = all incorrect
i.e  1 it means  maximum positive discriminating power.
b) Determining Validity of the test
c) Determining Reliability  of the test

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