Saturday 28 March 2020

In- Service Teacher Program for Professional Development

In- Service Teacher Program for Professional Development
For in-service training, financial support is largely provided by the Central Government under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), which is the main vehicle for implementation of the RTE Act. Under the SSA, 21 days refresher course in-service training is provided to school teachers and 28 days orientation for freshly trained recruits. Central assistance for in-service training is also provided to District Institutes of Education and Training (DIETs), Colleges of Teacher Education (CTEs) and Institutes of Advanced Studies In Education (IASEs) under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme on Teacher Education. State Governments also financially support in-service programmes. Several NGOs, including multi-lateral organizations, support various interventions, including in-service training activities.
Orientation programme:  The Orientation programme is intended to inculcate in the young lecturers the quality of self- reliance through awareness of the social, intellectual and moral environment as well as to discover self-potential and confidence. The orientation programmes contributes to the teacher awareness of the problems of the Indian society and the role of education, higher education leaders and educators in the resolution of these problems to achieve desired goals in national development.
Purposes of Orientation programme: 
1.     To Change the Strategies in all pedagogical subjects in today’s teaching learning contexts.
2.     To develop and understanding in teaching learning.
3.     To demonstrate and discuss  about classroom processes.
4.     To develop materials for subject teaching.
5.     To train the teachers on how to conduct Action Research.

Refresher Courses: A short course reviewing or updating   previous studies or training connected with one's profession.  It  is a training course in which people improve their knowledge or skills and learn about newdevelopments that are related to the job that they do.

Purposes of Refresher programme: 
1. Provide opportunities for teachers in service to exchange experience with their peers and to mutually learn from each other.
2. Provide a forum for serving teachers to keep themselves abreast of the latest advances in various subjects.
3. Create the culture and self-improvement among the teachers.
4. Provide opportunities to further widen their knowledge and to pursue research studies.
5. Give an introduction to new methods and innovations in higher education and enlighten them so that the participants can in turn develop their own innovative methods of instruction.

Conference:  A Conference refers to a formal meeting where participants exchange their views on various topics in multiple target groups, Discuss the different current issues, Make the further plan. Conference can take place in different fields, and it need not be academic in nature all the time. A conference is a meeting that has been prearranged and involves consultation and discussion on a number of topics by the delegates.
Purposes of Conference  programme: 
1.       Conference meetings bring together specialists, agents and staff for program planning, informal networking and formal education opportunities, which meet the individual’s, and above all, the organization’s needs.
2.       Conference meetings provide a joint platform for annual program planning work. These works have a great potential in future to grow into a full-fledged research project.
3.       Provide ideas to create roadmap for upcoming projects, and explore possibilities for opening up new avenues for research.
4.       Major research programs generally need to include multiple organizations or institutions around the globe, separated by geographical distances and time zones. Conference meetings allow them to share their progress, hurdles they’ve come across, and techniques devised and employed for solving them.
5.       However unrelated do they seem, students benefit the most from conferences. By attending any conference (a little knowledge is required beforehand regarding subject matter of the conference before attending), students can integrate themselves with recent progresses not covered in academics, events and hurdles encountered on the path of researches, and stages one has to cross to pursue a career in that particular subject.

Workshop : A Workshop includes all the elements of the Seminar, but with the largest portion being emphasized on “hand-on-practice” or laboratory work. The Lab work is designed to reinforce, imprint and bring forward an immediate functioning dimension to the participant’s eye and hands by implementing and practicing the actual concept or technique that was taught through the lecture and demonstration process. 
Purpose of Workshop:
1.     To develop team spirit.
2.     To develop the comprehensive  learning.
3.     To develop Skills which must be learnt and practiced.
4.     To develop  the necessary teacher competencies.
5.     To develop the cognitive and affective domains effectively.
6.     To develop the Strengthen cooperation and enhance partnerships .
7.     To Increase  the teacher’s empathy.
8.     To Increase self-confidence. 
 Seminar :The word seminar is derived from the Latin word seminarium, meaning "seed plot". It is a form of academic instruction, either at a university or offered by a commercial or professional organization. It has the function of bringing together small groups for recurring meetings, focusing each time on some particular subject, in which everyone present is requested to actively participate. The Instructor has prepared the concepts and techniques they will present and discuss through a combination of visual materials, interactive tools or equipment, and demonstrations. It includes some take home material for the participants that relates to the lecture.
Purpose of Seminar:
1.      To develop higher cognitive abilities.
2.     To develop the ability of responding in this manner would involve higher cognitive actions.
3.     To develop the ability of keen observation of experience, feelings.
4.      To develop the ability to seek clarification and defend the ideas of others effectively.
5.     To develop the feeling of tolerance to the opposite ideas of others.
6.     To develop the feelings of co-operation with other colleagues and respect of the ideas and feelings of others.
7.     To develop the emotional ability among the participants of the seminar.
8.     To acquire the good manners of putting questions and answering the questions of others effectively.

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