Friday 15 September 2023

Process of Educational Administration: Purpose, Planning, Organizing operating direction, Co- ordination, Control and Evaluation.


Process of Educational Administration: Purpose, Planning, Organizing operating direction, Co- ordination, Control and Evaluation.

Purpose: One primary objective of educational administration is educating students. This objective entails providing qualitative improvement to education to help students become successful in their life. It primarily means providing qualified teachers at an affordable cost.

Planning: Planning is deciding in advance what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and who should do it. This bridges the gap from where the organization is to where it wants to be. The planning function involves establishing goals and arranging them in logical order.

1.    Managerial function: Planning is a first and foremost managerial function provides the base for other functions of the management, i.e. organising, staffing, directing and controlling, as they are performed within the periphery of the plans made.

2.    Goal oriented: It focuses on defining the goals of the organisation, identifying alternative courses of action and deciding the appropriate action plan, which is to be undertaken for reaching the goals.

3.    Pervasive: It is pervasive in the sense that it is present in all the segments and is required at all the levels of the organisation. Although the scope of planning varies at different levels and departments.

4.    Continuous Process: Plans are made for a specific term, say for a month, quarter, year and so on. Once that period is over, new plans are drawn, considering the organisation’s present and future requirements and conditions. Therefore, it is an ongoing process, as the plans are framed, executed and followed by another plan.

5.    Intellectual Process: It is a mental exercise at it involves the application of mind, to think, forecast, imagine intelligently and innovate etc.

6.    Futuristic: In the process of planning, we take a sneak peek of the future. It encompasses looking into the future, to analyse and predict it so that the organisation can face future challenges effectively.

7.    Decision making: Decisions are made regarding the choice of alternative courses of action that can be undertaken to reach the goal. The alternative chosen should be best among all, with the least number of the negative and highest number of positive outcomes.

Organizing: Organizing is a process of structuring the essential relationships among the people, tasks, and other activities.

1.    Determining Targets

The first stage of organizing process should be to determine the targets to be fulfilled. Both financial, as well as social targets, should be determined accordingly in a scheduled manner and then managing them according to their priority and categorize them as primary, secondary, long-term and short-term targets.

2. Determining Actions

The second step is to find out and make a list of required actions to achieve the desired targets of the organization such as to send invitation, Email, etc. All such actions have to be arranged and classified into units.

3. Coordination of Actions

After determining actions, it is necessary to coordinate actions, i.e., organizing jobs into uniform work units, departments, and segments, and all such functions come under departmentalization.

4. Distribution of Duties and Responsibilities

The next step after coordination of actions should be a distribution of duties and responsibilities to the distinctive individual based on their ability and aptitude. The duties and responsibilities must be explicitly delegated to each individual to avoid the duplication of the work, as the best-suited individual will give his best to his specific delegated work.

5. Assignment of Authority

To perform the delegated work, an individual along with responsibilities also needs authority or power to make decisions regarding his work so that he/ she can perform his/her task productively. As one cannot perform their work without necessary powers and authority and such authorities are given according to their work and level.

6. Formation of Organization Charts and Manuals

After delegating the work and authority to the employees, organization charts and manuals are prepared on the basis of the power, authority and responsibility. Manuals are prepared based on the organization charts stating the instructions for performing daily actions.

7. Organizing Actions

Synchronizing all the actions and attempts of all the employees is necessary to establish the effectiveness of the specialized functions. The Interrelation between tasks and employees must be pre-defined so that everyone knows that, to whom they are answerable and from whom they have to take orders.

Coordination: Coordination is the function of management which ensures that different departments and groups work in synchronize. Therefore, there is unity of action among the employees, groups, and. departments. It also brings harmony in carrying out the different tasks and activities to achieve. the organization's objectives efficiently.

Control: Control management is a process as it helps our work to check errors and put the right corrections in place and keeps our project management on track. With control management in place, our institute increases its chances of achieving its goals.


The process of judging or calculating the quality, importance, amount, or value of something: Evaluation of this new treatment cannot take place until all the data has been collected.


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