Thursday 14 September 2023

Meaning, Definition and scope of Curriculum.


Meaning of Curriculum:

The word, ‘curriculum’ is derived from the Latin word "Currere."  It means to proceed. The word refers to the ‘course of deeds and experiences through which children grow to become mature adults. Curriculum is thus, a well-defined and prescribed course of studies which students must complete for them to pass a given level of education. It is a predetermined subject matter in a planned sequence of experiences leading to certifiable completion. Curriculum is the base for the learning outcomes and activities through which the teaching and learning process moves in advance.

The concept of curriculum is as dynamic as the changes that occur in society. In its narrow sense, curriculum is viewed merely as a listing of subject to be taught in school. In a broader sense, it refers to the total learning experiences of individuals not only in schools but in society as well.

Narrow and Broader Meaning of Curriculum

In its narrow sense, curriculum means the plan reach the aims and objectives of education. It is restricted to classroom activities concentrating on the study of a few subjects in a major field of study. It is just a tool to achieve the aim of teaching a subject.

• It is limited to classroom   activity.

• Its emphasis teaching subjects.

• It works to produce certificate and degree.

• It develops only mental ability.

• It is more under teacher and administrative control.

In its broader sense, curriculum means not only the study of academic subjects traditionally taught in schools, but also includes the sum total of all experiences that a pupil receives through the manifold activities in a school.

• It includes total experiences given by manifold activities.

• Includes both curricular and co-curricular activities.

• It works to develop the personality of the child.

• It has a more creative and forward outlook.

• It is child centered.


Teaching-learning process does not operate in a vacuum. Certain planned experiences have to be providing in school so that optimum human development according the, needs of a particular country is possible. Curriculum is the crux of the whole educational process. Without curriculum, cannot conceive any educational endeavour. School curriculum of a country, like its constitution, reflexes the ethos of the country. In the since curriculum is the path through which the student has to go forward in order to reach the goal envisaged by education. Usually, the term curriculum is understood as a group of subjects prescribed for study in a particular course. Thus, the term curriculum in recent years has come to mean all the planned activities and experiences available to the student under the direction of the school. Curriculum is dynamic and changes according to the needs of the pupil and society. The curriculum offered by a school to students should not be simply a collection of separate bits of information and unrelated experiences. Schools need to be concerned with a ‘total curriculum’. There must be vertical and horizontal organisation of the curriculum elements. To achieve the objectives of education teacher, need to employ suitable instructional methods and procedures.

Definitions: Following are the definitions of Curriculum given by some authors

Saylor: "Curriculum is a plan for providing sets of learning opportunities for persons to be educated."

Pratt: "Curriculum is an organised set of formal education and/or training intentions."

Wiles and Bondi: "Curriculum is a plan for learning whereby objectives determine what learning is important."

Wheeler: "Curriculum is the planned experiences offered to the learners under the guidance of the school."

Carter V. Good: “Curriculum is a body of prescribed educative experiences under school supervision designed to provide the individual with the best possible training and experiences to fit him for the society of which he is a pan and to qualify him for a trade or profession.”

Scope of curriculum

Curriculum is very comprehensive in its scope. It touches all aspects of the life of the pupils- the need and interest of the pupils, environment which should be educationally congenial to them, ways and manners in which their interests can be handled and warmed up, the procedures and approaches which cause effective learning among them, the social efficiency of the individuals and how they fit in with the community around. It is intimately related with the individual as a member of the society. It embodies the educational philosophy, the values which it aims to achieve, the purposed it wants philosophy, the values it aims to achieve purposes it wants to realise and the specific goals that it wants to achieve.

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