Friday 15 September 2023

Foundations of Curriculum Development - Philosophical, Socio-cultural and Psychological.


Foundations of Curriculum Development - Philosophical, Socio-cultural and Psychological: 

Foundations are the pillars upon which the building lies. Curriculum development also has several Foundations. Curriculum development is the most important component of educational programme.

Philosophical foundation of curriculum:

The philosophy will provide the following information for the purpose of curriculum planning:

           At the foundation of every curriculum, there is the educational philosophy of people directly involved in the process of curriculum development.

           Philosophy is the end and education are the way to achieve that end.

           Philosophy determines the goal of life and education tries to achieve that goal.

           The contents of the curriculum change to suit the prevalent ideologies and social ways of thinking.

           Philosophy provides curriculum specialists with a framework for broad issues and tasks, in general, what experiences and activities to stress in school and classroom.


Socio-cultural foundation of curriculum:

The following ideas have developed in relation to Socio-cultural foundation of curriculum:

           Society influences the school curriculum.

           Every society, community or nation has an essential social obligation to arrange the education of children.

           It provides a way of carrying out changes in the behaviour of the students as per the needs and demands of the society or nation.

           To make education as an instrument of social changes and progress.

           To preserve the culture and transmit it to young children.

           To prepare the learners for the future society.


Psychological foundation of curriculum:

The following ideas have developed in relation to psychological foundation of curriculum:

           Education is for the child. The child is the centre of the educational process.

           Through education, efforts are made for bringing desirable changes in the behaviour of the learners.

           Psychology as a science of behaviour is linked with the process of imparting education.

           It helps curriculum developers in deciding what content and learning experiences can be included in the curriculum.

           It provides bases for curriculum development in such a way that curriculum could be developed according to the children in a particular grade and their needs.

           The psychology of individual differences among children influences the plan and development of the curriculum. So, the curriculum should have enough variety and elasticity to allow individual differences, needs, and interests.


Philosophy involves an inquiry into the nature and meaning of life including ideas about the nature of human beings, social values and purpose of education.

Sociology provides, among other things, necessary clues about the characteristics of contemporary life and the future in which the learners will lead the rest of their lives. These clues help to make a curriculum socially relevant.

Psychology provides an indispensable base for identifying the types of curricular arrangement that will mostly benefit the learner's growth and development.

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