Tuesday 5 May 2020

Project method

Project method
Project method provides a practical approach to learning. This method may be tried along with formal classroom teaching without disturbing the school timetable. This method leads to understanding and develops the ability to apply knowledge.
Project method is of American origin and is an outcome of Dewey’s philosophy or pragmatism. However, this method is developed and advocated by Dr.Kilpatrick.

Basic principles of project method:

Psychological principles of learning
1.      Learning by doing
2.      Learning by living
3.      Children learn better through association, co-operation and activity.
Psychological laws of learning
1.      Law of readiness
2.      Law of exercise
3.     Law of effect

1)    Providing / creating the situations
2)    Proposing and choosing the project
3)    Planning the project
4)    Execution of the project
5)    Evaluation of the project
6)    Recording of the project.
  Step 1. Creating the situation: The teacher creates problematic situation in front of students while creating the appropriate situation student’s interest and abilities should be given due importance.
step 2.     Proposing and choosing the project: while choosing a problem teacher should stimulate discussions by making suggestions. The proposed project should be according to the rear need of students. The purpose of the project should be well defined and understood by the children.
step 3.     Planning the project: for the success of the project, planning of project is very import. The children should plan out the project under the guidance of their teacher.
step 4.     Execution of the project: every child should contribute actively in the execution of the project. It is the longest step in the project.
step 5.     Evaluation of the project: when the project is completed the teacher and the children should evaluate it jointly discussed whether the objectives of the project have been achieved or not.
step 6.     Recording of the project: the children maintain a complete record of the project work. While recording the project some points like how the project was planned, what discussion were made, how duties were assigned, hot it was evaluate etc. should be kept in mind.

Some projects for mathematics:
A few projects suitable for high school mathematics are listed below
A.     Execution of school bank.
B.    Running stationary stores in the school.
C.     Planning and estimating the construction of a house
D.    Planning for an annual camp
E.     Executing the activities of mathematics clubs
F.     Collection of data regarding population, death rate, birth rate etc.

1.     This is based on various psychological laws and principles.
2.      It develops self-confidence and self-discipline among the students
3.      It provides ample scope for training.
4.      It provides score for independent work and individual development.
5.     It promotes habits of critical thinking and encourages the students to adopt problem-solving methods.
6.     This method the children are active participants in the learning task.
7.      This is based on principle of activity, reality, effect, and learning by doing etc.
8.     It develops discovery attitude in the child.
9.      It provides self-motivation as the students themselves select plan and execute the project.
10.                        It develops helping attitude in learner.

Demerits :
1.      It is very difficult to complete the whole syllabus by the use of this method.
2.     Textbooks and instructional materials are hardly available.
3.     The project method does not provide necessary drill and practice for the learners of the subject.
4.      The project method is uneconomical in terms of time and is not possible to fit into the regular time table.
5.     This method is not suitable for a fixed curriculum.

1 comment:

  1. Hello sir,
    Thank you for sharing knowledge with us ,
    It is really of a great help .
    Thank you .
