Wednesday 20 May 2020


Geometry is derived from two Latin words, Geo +Metron,   Meaning is earth & measurement. Thus it is concerned with the properties and relations of points, lines, surfaces, solids, and higher dimensional analogy. It is the most practical branch of mathematics that deals with shapes and sizes of figures and their properties.  We study geometry to find the Length, Area, Volume of different Plane and Solid figures which are present around us in this world and to know better about them. Knowledge  of coordinate Geometry provides many fundamental skills and helps us to improve problem-solving skill, logical skill, analytical reasoning skill and so on.
       Types of  Geometry: 
(i) Algebraic Geometry – It is a branch of geometry studying zeros of the multivariate polynomial. It includes linear and polynomial algebraic equation used for solving the sets of zeros. The application of this type includes Cryptography, string theory, etc.
(ii) Discrete Geometry –It  is concerned with the relative position of simple geometric object, such as points, lines, triangles, circles etc.
(iii) Differential Geometry – It uses techniques of algebra and calculus for problem-solving. The various problems include general relativity in physics etc.
(iv) Euclidean Geometry – It is the study of plane and solid figures on the basis of axioms and theorems including points, lines, planes, angles, congruence, similarity, solid figures. It has a wide range of applications in Computer Science, Modern Mathematics problem solving, etc.
(v) Convex Geometry – It Includes convex shapes in Euclidean space using techniques of real analysis. It has application in optimization and functional analysis in number theory.
(vi) Topology –It is concerned with properties of space under continuous mapping. Its application includes consideration of compactness, completeness, continuity, filters, function spaces, grills, clusters and bunches, hyperspace typologies, initial and final structures, metric spaces, proximal continuity, proximity spaces, separation axioms, and uniform spaces.
Plane Geometry:
Plane Geometry deals with flat shapes which can be drawn on a piece of paper. These include lines, circles & triangles of two dimensions. Plane geometry is also known as a two-dimensional geometry. All the two-dimensional figures have only two measures such as length and breadth. It does not deal with the depth of the shapes. Some examples of plane figures are square, triangle, rectangle, circle, and so on.
Point :A precise location or place on a plane. Usually  represented by a dot. A point is an exact position or location on a plane surface. It is important to understand that a point is not a thing, but a place. It is important to note that a point has no dimension rather it has the only position.

Line: The line is straight (no curves), having no thickness and extends in both directions without end (infinitely). It is important to note that it is the combination of infinite points together to form a line. In geometry, we have a 
horizontal line and vertical line which has x-axis and y-axis respectively.
Line Segment – If a line has a starting and an endpoint then it is called a Line Segment.
Ray – If a line has a starting point and has no endpoint is called Ray. Eg. Sun Rays

In plane geometry, an angle is the figure formed by two rays, called the sides of the angle, sharing a common endpoint, called the vertex of the angle.
Types of Angle:
Acute Angle – An Acute angle (or Sharp angle) is an angle smaller than a right angle but greater than 00 i.e. it can range between 00 – 900 .
Obtuse Angle – An Obtuse angle is more than 900 but is less than 180 degrees.
Right Angle – An angle of  900.
Straight Angle – An angle of 1800  is a straight angle. Such as angle formed by a straight line

A plane figure that is bounded by a finite chain of straight line segment closing in a loop to form a closed polygonal chain or circuit.
The name ‘poly’ refers to multiple & gon  is a polygon with n sides; for example, a triangle is a 3-gon polygon.

Sum of internal Angles of a polygon  = (n−2)×1800 Where n is number of sides.
Each internal angle of regular polygon = { (n−2)×1800}÷ n
Sum of external Angles of a polygon = 3600
Each external angle of regular polygon= {3600}÷ n
Types of Polygon
Polygon type      
Definition & Property
(i) Triangle –
A 3-sided polygon whose sum of internal angles always sums to 180 degrees.
  • Equilateral Triangle – Has 3 equal sides and angles.
  • Isosceles triangle –  Has 2 equal sides and angles.
  • Scalene triangle – Has all the 3 unequal sides and angles.
A 4-sided polygon with four edges and four vertices.
Sum of internal angles is 360 degrees
  • Square – Has 4 equal sides and vertices which are at right angles.
  • Rectangle – Has equal opposite sides and all angles are at right angles.
  • Parallelogram has two pairs of parallel sides.The opposite sides & opposite angles are equal in measure.
  • Rhombus – Has all the four sides to be of equal length. However, they do not have its internal angle to be 90 degrees
  • Trapezium – Has one pair of opposite sides to be parallel.
(iii) Pentagon
A plane figure with five straight sides and five angles

(iv) Hexagon
A plane figure with six straight sides and six angles

(v) Heptagon
A plane figure with seven sides and seven angles

(vi) Octagon
A plane figure with eight straight sides and eight angles.

(vii) Nonagon
A plane figure with nine straight sides and nine angles.

(viii) Decagon
A plane figure with ten straight sides and ten angles.

Circle:A Circle is a simple closed shape. From a certain point called the centre, all points of a circle are of same consistent distance ie. the curve traced out by a point that moves so that its distance from the centre is constant.
Understanding Similarity and Congruence:
Similarity – Two figures are said to be similar if they have the same shape or have an equal angle but do not have the same size.
Congruence –  Two figures are said to be Congruent if they have the same shape and size. Thus they are totally equal.
Solid Geometry:
Solid Geometry deals with 3-dimensional objects like cubes, prisms, cylinders & spheres. It deals with three-dimensions of the figure such as length, breadth and height. But some solid solids do not have faces (e.g. sphere).  It is the study of three dimensions in the Euclidean space. The objects which are around us are obviously a three-dimensional. All the three-dimensional shapes are obtained from the rotation operation of 2D shapes. The important attributes of 3D shapes are faces, edges, and vertices. Let us discuss these terms in detail for different geometric shapes.
An edge is defined as the line segment on the boundary that joins one vertex to the other vertex. It means that it joins one corner point to the other. It forms the skeleton of 3D shapes.  In other words, it can be defined as the faces, that meets in the straight line is called edge. Following are the list of edges for the different solid shapes:
Solid Shapes
No. of. Edges
Triangular Prism
Rectangular prism
Pentagonal Prism
Hexagonal Prism
Triangular Pyramid
Square Pyramid
Pentagonal Pyramid
Hexagonal Pyramid

Faces: We know that all the geometric shapes are made up of flat surface called faces. It is a flat surface enclosed by the edges. For any three-dimensional shapes, the face should be a two-dimensional figure. The list  of the number of faces for different solid shapes are given below:
Solid Shapes
No. of. Faces
Triangular Prism
Rectangular prism
Pentagonal Prism
Hexagonal Prism
Triangular Pyramid
Square Pyramid
Pentagonal Pyramid
Hexagonal Pyramid
Vertices: A vertex is defined as the point where the edges of the solid figure meet at each other. Or else, it can be said that, the point where the adjacent sides of the polygon meet. The vertex is the corners where the edges meet. The number of vertices for different solid shapes in  geometry is as follows:
Solid Shapes
No. of. Vertices
Triangular Prism
Rectangular prism
Pentagonal Prism
Hexagonal Prism
Triangular Pyramid
Square Pyramid
Pentagonal Pyramid
Hexagonal Pyramid

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