Wednesday 20 May 2020


Algebra: It is a kind of arithmetic where we use unknown quantities along with numbers. These unknown quantities are represented by letters of the English alphabet such as X, Y, A, B, etc. or symbols. The use of letters helps us to generalize the formulas and rules that you write and also helps you to find the unknown missing value.
Algebra includes almost everything right from solving elementary equations to the study of the abstractions. Algebra equations are included in many chapters of  Maths, which student will learn in their  academics. Also, there are a number of formulas and identities present in algebra.
   The basics of algebra are:   Addition and subtraction of algebraic   expressions,  Multiplications and division of algebraic expression,
Solving equations Literal equations and formulas

Branches of Algebra:
 As it is known that,  algebra is the concept based on unknown values called variables. The important concept of algebra is equations. It follows various rules to perform arithmetic operations. The rules are used to make sense of sets of data that involves two or more variables. It is used to analyse many things around us. We will probably use the concept of algebra without realising it. Algebra is divided into different sub-branches such as elementary algebra, advanced algebra, abstract algebra, linear algebra, and commutative algebra.
 Elementary Algebra:
Elementary Algebra covers the traditional topics studied in a modern elementary algebra course. Arithmetic includes numbers along with mathematical operations like +, -, x,  ÷. But in the field of algebra, the numbers are often represented by the symbols and are called variables such as x, a, n, y. It also allows the common formulation of the laws of arithmetic such as,  a + b = b + a and it is the first step that shows the systematic exploration of all the properties of a system of real numbers.
The concepts coming under the elementary algebra includes variables, evaluating expressions and equations, properties of equalities and inequalities, solving the algebraic equations and linear equations having one or two variables, and so on.

 Advanced Algebra: 
This is the intermediate level Algebra or  we can say prerequisite of  Elementary Algebra .This algebra has a high level of equations to solve as compared to pre-algebra. Advanced algebra will help you to go through the other parts of algebra such as:
  • Equations with inequalities
  • Matrices
  • Solving system of linear equations
  • Graphing of functions and linear equations
  • Conic sections
  • Polynomial Equation
  • Quadratic Functions with inequalities
  • Polynomials and expressions with radicals
  • Sequences and series
  • Rational expressions
Abstract Algebra
Abstract algebra is one of the divisions in algebra which discovers the truths relating to algebraic systems independent of specific nature of some operations. These operations in specific cases have certain properties. Thus we can conclude some consequences of such properties. Hence this branch of mathematics called abstract algebra.
Abstract algebra deals with algebraic structures like the fields, groups, modules, rings, lattices, vector spaces, etc.
The concepts of the abstract algebra are below-
1.     Sets – Sets is defined as the collection of the objects that are determined by some specific property for a set. For Example- A set of all the 2 by 2 matrices, the set of two-dimensional vectors present in the plane and different form of finite groups.
2.     Binary Operations – When the concept of addition is conceptualized, it gives the binary operations. The concept of all the binary operations will be meaningless without a set.
3.     Identity Element – The numbers 0 and 1 are conceptualized to give the idea of an identity element for a specific operation. Here, 0 is called the identity element for the operation addition, whereas 1 is called the identity element for the operation multiplication.
4.     Inverse Elements – The idea of Inverse elements comes up with a negative number. For addition, we write “-a” as the inverse of “a” and for the purpose of multiplication the inverse form is written as  “a-1”.
5.     Associativity – When integers are added, there is a property known as associativity in which the grouping up of numbers added does not affect the sum. Consider for Example – (3 + 2) + 4 = 3 + (2 + 4)
Linear Algebra
Linear algebra is a branch of algebra which applies to both applied as well as pure mathematics. It deals with the linear mappings between the vector spaces. It also deals with the study of planes and lines. It is the study of linear sets of equations with the transformation properties. It is almost used in all the areas of Mathematics. It concerns the linear equations for the linear functions with their representation in vector spaces and through the matrices. The important topics covered in linear algebra are as follows:
  • Linear equations
  • Vector Spaces
  • Relations
  • Matrices and matrix decomposition
  • Relations and Computations
Commutative algebra
Commutative algebra is one of the branches of algebra that studies the commutative rings and its ideals. The algebraic number theory, as well as the algebraic geometry, depends on the commutative algebra. It includes rings of algebraic integers, polynomial rings, and so on. There are many other areas of mathematics, that draw upon commutative algebra in different ways such as differential topology, invariant theory, order theory, and general topology. It has occupied a remarkable role in modern pure mathematics.
BODMAS is an acronym and it stands for Bracket, of, Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction.  It explains the order of operations to solve an expression. According to BODMAS rule, if an expression contains brackets ((), {}, []) we have to first solve or simplify the bracket followed by of (powers and roots etc.), then division, multiplication, addition and subtraction from left to right. Solving the problem in the wrong order will result in a wrong answer.
Check the examples below to have a better understanding of using the BODMAS rule.
1800÷10{ (12−6)+(24−12) }
=1800÷10{6+12} =180{18} =180×18 =3240
Important Formulae:
am × an = am+n 
am ÷ an = am- n 
(am)n = amn
(ab)m = ambm

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