Tuesday 16 April 2019


The textbook is a book used as a standard source of information for formal study of a subject and an instrument for teaching and learning .It should be regarded as one of the many sources teachers can draw upon in creating an effective lesson and may offer a framework of guidance and orientation. Additionally, the textbook provides confidence and security for an inexperienced teacher who finds adapting existing textbooks challenging especially for tailored work related courses. It is necessary to emphasize that no ready-made textbook will ever fit perfectly every language program. There is no ideal textbook, ideal for every teacher, ideal for every group of learners and ideal in every teaching situation. Moreover, teachers’ reactions to using ready-made textbooks are manifold. Many teachers are required to use textbooks and are bound to the textbook in its existing form. Since this simplifies class preparation for teachers, this is acceptable for some teachers who eventually begin to over-rely on textbooks and decide to follow the textbook closely, making no or only small essential changes and additions. On the other hand, some teachers reject the textbook approach to learning and wish to make substantial changes to the textbook they need to use. Adapting a textbook to fit actual needs of a group of learners is a demanding and time-consuming process. Apart from lack of time and resources that majority of teachers state to be the main obstacles in adapting textbooks, teachers also need training and experience in modifying textbooks.

Ongoing assessment and decision making
1.     Planning how to teach with the text
2.     Teaching with the text
3.     Re-planning how to teach
4.      Reteaching

Advantages and disadvantages of using textbooks :
The following list contains the most frequently stated advantages of using textbooks ,
 • It provides a syllabus for the course because the authors of the syllabus have made decisions about what will be learned and in what order.
• It provides security for the students because they have a kind of a road map of the course: they know what to expect and they know what is expected from them.
• It provides a set of visuals, activities, readings, etc., and so saves the teacher time in finding or developing such materials.
• It provides teachers with a basis for assessing students’ learning. Some textbooks include tests or evaluation tools.
• It may include supporting materials (teacher’s guide, cd, worksheets, and video.)
• It provides consistency within a program across a given level, if all teachers use the same textbook.
 If textbooks follow a sequence, as within a series, it provides consistency between levels. Textbooks also have limitations, which can lead to teachers’ and learners’ dissatisfaction with the course. The following list contains the most frequently stated disadvantages of using only ready-made textbooks
• The content or examples may  not be relevant or appropriate to the group and they may not reflect the students’ needs since textbooks are often written for global markets and often do not reflect the interests and needs of students.
• They may contain inauthentic language, since texts, dialogs and other aspects of content tend to be
specially written to incorporate teaching points and are often not representative of real language use.
 • The content may not be at the right level.
 Textbooks give a great contribution in the teaching learning process both to the teachers and to learners. They offer a framework of guidance and orientation. However, apart from numerous advantages a single textbook frequently does not meet diverse needs of the learners. This generates a need for textbook adaptation at the activity, unit and syllabus levels. Adapting provides teachers with an opportunity to make a greater use of their professional skills and for learners to be involved in the learning process.

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