Monday 26 November 2018

Great Scientist Albert Einstein

He was born in Ulm, Germany on March  14, 1879. After education in Germany, Italy, and Switzerland, and professorships in Bern, Zurich, and Prague, he was appointed Director of Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Phy-sics in Berlin in 1914. He became a professor in the School of Mathematics at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton beginning the fall of 1933, became an American citizen in the summer of 1936, and died in Princeton, New Jersey on April 18, 1955. In the Berlin where in 1900 Max Planck discovered the quantum, Einstein fifteen years later explained to us that gravitation is not something foreign and mysterious acting through space, but a manifestation of space geometry itself.
He came to understand that the universe does not go on from everlasting to everlasting, but begins with a big bang. of all the questions with which the great thinkers have occupied themselves in all lands and all centuries, none has ever claimed greater primacy than the origin of the universe, and no contributions to this issue ever made by any man anytime have proved themselves richer in illuminating power than those that Einstein made.

1.His estimate of molecular size based on the change in viscosity of a liquid when  particles are suspended in it.
2.His demonstration, based on the first theory of a stochastic process, that micro-scopic fluctuation phenomena can be observed in Brownian motion.
3.His development of a new kinematics in the special theory of relativity, and the deduction from it of such remarkable features as: The path dependence of proper time intervals (twin-paradox")  The equivalence of mass and energy ("E=mc2").
4.His development of general relativity, still the best theory of gravitation that we have.
5.His proposal of the light quantum hypothesis, which developed into the theory of the photon, the first elementary particle to be given a quantum treatment.
6.His quantum theory of solids, which provided the basis for explaining the anoma-lous low-temperature behavior of crystalline solids.
7.His explanation of Planck’s law based on the introduction of the A&B coefficients, which placed the concept of transition probabilities at the center of atomic physics.
8.The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen "paradox," which highlighted the nature of the quan-tum entanglement of two or more systems.His work on Bose-Einstein statistics, leading to his prediction of the existence of Bose-Einstein condensates, only recently confirmed.
9.The Einstein-Infeld-Hoffmann derivation of the equations of motion of massive bodies from the field equations of general relativity – the list could go on indefi-nitely.
10.He received Nobel prize in physics for his contribution to the theoretical physics and the photoelectric effect in 1921.

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