Sunday 8 September 2024

PRACTICE SET FOR CTET/STET for the Subject of History




Sub: History

Note: For Each Correct Answer 1 Mark No Negative Marks For Wrong Answer

1.     Ashoka was an emperor of which dyanasty?

  a)Chalukya                       b)Gupta

    c)Maurya                          d)Pallava


2.     In which year Mughal Empire was founded?

        a)1516                          b)1526

       c) 1536                          d)1546

3.     Where was the first British factory set up?

    a)Surat                      b)Calcutta

    c)Bombay                  d)Tata Nagar

4.      Raja Ram Mohan Roy was fighting against which social evil?

    a)Untouchability         b)Widow remarriage

  c) Practice of Sati        d) Women’s education

5.     In which state Jallianwalla Bagh is located?

    a)Maharashtra                b)Goa

    c) Punjab                       d)Gujrat


6.     When did the British East India Company set foot in India?

       a) 1580                              b) 1600

      c) 1680                               d) 1703


7.     The great bath has been discovered in which place?

                  a)Lothal                                    b) Harappa

                  c) Mohenjo-Daro                     d) Patna

8.     When did the Non-Cooperation campaign for swaraj adopt by the congress?

   a)1910                   b)1920

  c) 1930                  d) 1942

9.     Who was the last emporer of  Mughal dyanasty?

       a)Aurangzeb                              b)Babur

       c)Bahadur Saha Zafar-II           d)Balbun


10.  When did the Sepoy Mutiny start?  

  a)1757                       b)1857


  c) 1858                       d) 1860    

11.  In which year the Chauri Choura incident took place?

    a)1920                            b)1921

     c) 1922                           c) 1923

12.  Who among the following compiled the compositions of Baba Guru Nanak in Gurumukhi, also adding his own compositions to it ? (a) Guru Gobind Singh (b) Guru Angad (c) Guru Arjan (d) Guru Teg Bahadur

13.  In the late 18th century, the presidencies of Bombay, Madras and Bengal developed from which of the following East India Company’s trading posts ? (a) Surat, Madras, Calcutta (b) Nagpur, Madurai, Delhi (c) Pune, Madras, Calcutta (d) Surat, Madurai, Delhi

14.  A tomb of a Sufi saint is known as : (a) Khanqah (b) Idgah (c) Gulfaroshan (d) Dargah


15.  The doctrine of Vishishtadvaita was propounded in eleventh century by :

(1) Ramanuja   (2) Basavanna    (3) Eknath    (4) Sakhubai

16.  Which of the following statements about Jatakas  is correct ?

 (1) These were composed by ordinary people, written down and preserved by Buddhist monks. (2) These were composed by ordinary people, written down and preserved by Jaina monks.   (3) These were composed by Buddhist monks, written down and preserved by ordinary people. (4) These were composed by Jaina monks, written down and preserved by ordinary people.

17.  What is name of the place where Ashoke died?

      1)Siddheswar               2)Pataliputra

     3)Lumbini                    4)Nalanda

18.  Who was the founder of  Delhi Sultantate?

        1)Akbar                            2)Razia Sultana

       3) Qutub-ud-Din Aibak     4)Balban



19.  Most of the Harppan objects were not made of which metal?

      1)Iron                                 2) Stone

      3)Shell                                4)Copper


20.  The First  empire of  Mughal dyanasty was

    1) Aurangzeb                              2) Babur

    3) Balbun                                   4) Bahadur Saha Zafar-II

21.  Consider the statements (A) and (B) about Mahayana Buddhism and choose the correct answer. (A) In this form of Buddhism, Buddha’s presence in sculptures was shown using certain signs. (B) The belief in Bodhisattvas emerged with the coming of Mahayana Buddhism.

(1) (A) is true, (B) is false.

(2) (A) is false, (B) is true.

(3) Both (A) and (B) are true.

(4) Both (A) and (B) are false.


22.  Which of the following statements about Ain-i-Akbari is correct ? (1) It is the first volume of the three volume history of Akbar’s reign titled Akbar Nama. (2) It deals with Akbar’s ancestors and records the events of Akbar’s reign. (3) It was written by Mirza Hakim, who was one of Akbar’s courtiers. (4) It has rich statistical details about diverse aspects of Akbar’s administration.


23.  Which of the following was Samudragupta’s policy specifically towards the rulers of Dakshinapatha ? (1) Their kingdoms were uprooted and made a part of Samudragupta’s empire. (2) They submitted to Samudragupta and offered daughters in marriage. (3) They brought tribute, followed his orders and attended his court. (4) They surrendered after being defeated and then were allowed to rule again.

24.  Match the following :

(Art form)                                                               (Nomenclature)

a. Art technique that enabled making of images that looked real.

                                                                              i. Picturesque

 b. Painting showing Indian landscape as quaint, unexplored land

                                                                                 ii. Portraiture

 c. Paintings displaying lavish lifestyles, wealth & status of Europeans in India.

                                                                                 iii. History Painting

d. Paintings depicting scenes from British imperial history & victories.

                                                                                  iv. Oil Painting

    a b c d

(1) iv i ii iii

(2) iii iv i ii

(3) ii iii iv i

(4) i ii iii iv

25.  In the late 18th century, the presidencies of Bombay, Madras and Bengal developed from which of the following East India Company’s trading posts? (1) Surat, Madras, Calcutta (2) Nagpur, Madurai, Delhi (3) Pune, Madras, Calcutta (4) Surat, Madurai, Delhi

26. The mural painting from Ellora Caves which shows Vishnu as Narasimha, the man-lion, is a work of which period? (a) Gurjara-Pratihara period  (b) Rashtrakuta period  (c) Chalukya period (d) Gupta period  



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