Sunday 8 September 2024

PRACTICE SET FOR CTET/STET for subject of Geography



Sub: Geography

Note: For Each Correct Answer 1 Mark No Negative Marks for Wrong Answer


1.    Malabar coast occupies which part of India?

    1)Western                                           2) Eastern

    3) Northern                                         4) South-western


2.    Soil formation happens through the process of

 1) gathering              2) weathering           

 3)  both a and b          4) None of the above

3.    Which is a method of soil conservation?

 1) intensive cultivation       2) extensive cultivation    

3) terrace cultivation         4) none of the above

4.    Deciduous forests….

1) remain evergreen   2) shed their leaves periodically

3) both a and b          4) none of the above

5.    Which one of the following is not in favour of the conservation of nature?

1) switch off the bulbs when not in use        2) close the tap immediately after using     3) dispose polypacks  after shopping   4) all of the above

6.    Wind vane is used for measuring— (1) wind velocity (2) air pressure (3) wind direction (4) air temperature

7.    Which one of the following layers of the atmosphere helps in the transmission of radio waves? (1) Stratosphere (2) Mesosphere (3) Thermosphere (4) Exosphere

8.    When the river enters the plain, it bends and flows forming large bends known as— (1) levee (2) floodplain  (3) meander  (4) oxbow lake

9.    Which means of transport is extremely useful in most inaccessible areas and in time of calamities for rescuing people and distributing food, water, clothes and medicines? (1) Airways (2) Railways (3) Roadways (4) Waterways

10. The collection of weather information from the local newspaper is an example of which type of source? (1) Primary (2) Secondary (3) Tertiary (4) Both primary and tertiary

11. What is the exact time taken by earth to rotate once on its own axis?

     1)24 hrs                                   2)23 hrs

    3) 23hrs.56mnts 4secs             4) 25 hr

12. What is the shape of our earth?

   1) Round                                      2) Ellepsical

    3) Square                                     4) Hexagonal

13. Which one is an example of non-renewable resource?

          1) Soil                                     2) Coal

     3)Sunlight                               4)Water

14. Consider the statements A, B, C on time zone and choose the correct answer : A. Some countries have a great longitudinal extent and so they adopted more than one standard time. B. The earth has been divided into twenty-four time zones of one hour each. C. Each time zone covers 15º of longitude.

(1)  A and B are correct and C is incorrect.   (2) A and C are correct and B is incorrect.   (3) B and C are correct and A is incorrect. (4) A, B, C all are correct.


15. Assertion (A) : It will be 7:30 p.m. in India, when it is 2:00 p.m. in London. Reason (R) : India is located east of Greenwich at 82º30′E. Select the correct option from the given alternatives.

(1) (A) is true, but (R) is false. (2) (A) is false, but (R) is true. (3) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). (4) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not a correct explanation of (A).

16. Seasons occur due to which of the following reasons ?

 (1) Axis of the Earth makes an angle of 66½º with its orbital plane.

 (2) Tropic of Capricorn receives direct rays of the sun, falling vertically at 23½º S. (3) Revolution of the Earth and inclination of its axis in the same direction. (4) Circle of illumination caused due to rotation of the earth around its axis.


17. Consider the statements (A) and (B) about Mahalwari and Ryotwari system of revenues and choose the correct answer. (A) The Mahalwari was devised for North-Western provinces of Bengal presidency, while the Ryotwari was devised for British territories in South. (B) While in Mahalwari, village headman collected and paid revenue of the whole village to the company, in Ryotwari direct settlements was made with cultivators. (1) Only (A) correctly explains differences between the two revenue systems. (2) Only (B) correctly explains differences between the two revenue systems. (3) Both (A) and (B) correctly explain differences between the two revenue systems. (4) Neither (A) nor (B) correctly explain differences between the two revenue systems.

18. Which of the Ganga-Brahmaputra Basin ? (1) Ox-Bow lakes dot the plain area. (2) The density of population of plain area is very high. (3) The delta area is covered with Mangrove forests. (4) Slash and Burn agriculture is practiced in this area for land cultivation.

19.  Swimmers can float in Dead sea because : (1) Winds blow at a very high speed over the surface of sea water. (2) More warm currents than cold currents originate in the sea. (3) The sea experiences more high tides than low tides. (4) The increased salt content makes the sea dense

20. Which of the following forms the trading arrangement between a weaver and a merchant under the “Putting out” system ? Choose the correct option. (1) Yarn is bought for the lowest bid from merchant; and cloth is sold at highest bid. (2) Yarn is sold to the weaver by the merchant; and weaver makes cloth for self-consumption. (3) Yarn is supplied by the merchant to the weaver and cloth produced is bought back from weaver at a low price. (4) Yarn is bought by weaver from the open market and cloth is sold to merchant at a low price.

21. ‘Discuss few more reasons that are responsible for changes in land use pattern.’ In context of the above question, as a Social Science teacher you would be assessing students’ skill of : (1) Classifying (2) Generalising (3) Inferring (4) Hypothesising

22.  To familiarise students with the theme, ‘Natural Vegetation and Wildlife’, which would be the best pedagogical method ? (1) Screening a documentary on the theme. (2) Visit to a wildlife sanctuary. (3) Inviting an expert for a lecture. (4) Textbook reading and discussion.

23. The best practice for sensitising students towards wildlife conservation would be :

(1)  Reading about relevant policies and laws. (2) Preparing a play on wildlife conservation.  (3) Observing wildlife week at the school. (4) Pledging not to buy animal based products.

24. Read the given statements A and B and select the correct answer : A. Mehrgarh is located in a fertile plain near Bolan Pass of Pakistan. B. Evidences of farming and herding are found here. (1) A is true and B is false (2) A is false and B is true (3) Both A and B are false (4) Both A and B are true

25. Assertion (A): Conserving our soil resources is critical to human survival.

Reason (R): Soil is home to many micro-organisms and contains minerals.

(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true and (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false and (R) is true.






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