Saturday 20 November 2021

e-learning & MOOOCs





e-learning & MOOOCs

e-learning has been widely accepted by the people as it is a helpful resource which helps to do the work easily. E-learning has flexibility and provides a standard learning platform where both teacher and student be participant in teaching and learning, e-learning has become mandatory in today's world from one corner to another corner people get information instantly it works productively and has rules and regulations works systematically nowadays people are using frequently due to the presently situation all the classes are going through on-line ,each every things it is going through  online  . e-learning has become a very useful resource's younger generation are so much into it ,as online is growing same time people are also growing changing , learning ,sharing idea's is happening . e-learning words has power it shows a way to people life has become much more easy .It is very much beneficial to the students , higher  studies and in all sectors in each subject it is helpful like science , history showing projector , useful videos ,using smart class. it makes learning more interesting but teacher has to work harder as well as students have to co-operate then learning will blend with beautiful creative ideas and reach the goal , e-learning has been imprint in people's hearts without e-learning nothing is possible in humans life , e-learning is smarter , intelligent same time it also helps to we humans life has become more easier then before if we happen to see during our ancient time's , e -learning creates an positive attitude environment it's main aim is to help out learner's and win people's life attention , e-learning is transparent it gives a good result without cheating .our world has also transformed and has become modern it is only with the help of e-learning it main motive  with a blink of eye a positive attitude, response has arrived in e-learning.


Goals and purpose of e -learning.


E-learning is an electronic learning from Google meet , Google classroom etc through online classes we can do face to face learning uses of web technologies tool it enhances collaborative learning and a new learning platform becomes for Student's .


Ø Enhances the quality of learning and teaching .

Ø It meets the learning styles or needs of Student's.

Ø Improve the effectiveness.

Ø Improve user accessibility and time flexibility to engage learners on learning process.

Ø E-learning is a vast and expanding platform with huge prospective to higher education.

Ø It helps us like a road map to teacher's and Student's.

Ø E-learning is a good solution to create an active platform for learning.

Ø Online learning has become new norm it lets us adapt own timing and convenience .It helps learners to learn any where.

Ø E-learning is also a tool of whole for corporative training.

Ø Positive thinking can make it easier for you to focus on task that needs to be done and learn new information .

Ø Work on task on time , get quality rest , explore new ideas /take risk ,build a trust connection.

Ø Spread material throughout several study sessions ,clam your mind so that you can think more clearly about your students.

Ø Online -learning offers teachers and students effective way to deliver lessons to Student's.

Ø Online learning offers Student's the accessibility to time and place in education.

Ø Online education is affordable as compare to physical learning it eliminates Student's transportation etc.

Ø Improve Student's attendance can’t miss out if he /she is sick can get excuse 


Scope of e-learning.


Online learning is a dynamic and life long process it is a wider platform to help students get more educated like smart phone, high speed internet, website etc which helps learner easy to share material.


Ø Online education is cheaper than off line education, it saves money ,time and energy.

Ø Through online we can get effective information while sitting at home .

Ø Physical disability people can also go for degrees and built their careers through online learning.

Ø Online education offers chat rooms, email, Google meet ,Google classroom etc.

Ø Online education provides comfortable environment it is flexible.

Ø Opportunity to explore diverse cultures through video -learning, we can interact face to face with Student's various cultural and ethnic background.

Ø Through online any Students can choose the course of his /her preference like IGNOU ,BA courses hons etc.

Ø E-learning is ever green it balances the supply and demand ecosystem.

Ø Online education provides quality of education , development of curriculum it held out to bring new ideas .

Ø Development of teaching learning materials , e-learning videos are a dynamic way to study online especially in the quarantine days .

Ø Online learning is a high quality education main purpose of education is to achieve upward mobility.

Ø Electronic -learning certified online course provides a wide range of course

Ø From good to old times to new reform in education system have revolved around Technology.

Ø We can learn from anywhere, everywhere when we are on the move we can learn at our own pace through recorded sessions.

Ø Learn on demand through web - based training and assignments, learn without communicating and save on time.

Ø Eliminate cost on infrastructure investment, online learning improves time management skills.

Ø Online provides best opportunity to Student's and give the opportunity to choose from various schools and courses.

Ø Accessibility online course material can be accessed 24 hours a day every day .

Ø Students are explained to knowledge share by the instructions around the globe which cannot be learner in books.

Ø Use of e - learning technologies tools and improved the innovative learning.

Types of e-Learning.


e-learning is a learning environment when uses information and communications technology (ICT'S) as a platform for reaching and learning activities ,it is an electronic design  technology through learning is created. Lesson based learning, group learning, course based learning ,video -based learning , article based learning ,self-paced learning . App based learning, distance learning video conferencing, hybrid distance learning , open schedule online course. Fixed time online course , computer based e -learning and internet based e-learning . Computer based e-learning and internet based e-learning , Direct through visual ,verbal , physical ,logical , social. High quality content easy navigability effective e-learning provide learning with motivation the using delivery techniques.


Advantage of e-learning

Ø Flexibility and self-paced learning better time management.

Ø Demonstrated self-motivated improved virtual communication and collaborative.

Ø Refined critical thinking skills and come to know about new skills.

Ø It cost less, less intensity easier , attendance improve ,self-discipline .

Ø Easier access to teacher location, comfort of home have opinion.

Ø Easy to focus, easier to fit learning into your daily learning skills.

Disadvantages of e-learning

Ø Online Student's feedback is limited.

Ø e -learning can cause social isolation.

Ø e-learning requires strong, self-motivated and time management skills .

Ø Lack of communication skills development in online Student’s.

Ø Online instructors tend to focus on theory rather than practice.

Ø e-learning lacks face to face communication.

Ø e-learning is limited to certain discipline.

Ø Lack of accreditation and quality in online education.


Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds (SWAYAM):

SWAYAM is an indigenous (Made in India) IT Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) Platform for providing best quality education that can be accessed by anyone, anytime and anywhere using the IT system.  All the courses delivered through SWAYAM are available free of cost to the learners, however students wanting certifications shall be registered, shall be offered a certificate on successful completion of the course, with a little fee.

Important Points:

Ø The Concept of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) involves online delivery of interactive learning content to large number of people simultaneously. It allows sharing of best quality education with everyone, thereby bringing in equity as far as the quality of education is concerned.

Ø  It is developed by Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) and All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) with the help of Microsoft.

Ø Its ultimately capable of hosting 2000 courses and 80000 hours of learning: covering school, under-graduate, post-graduate, engineering, law and other professional courses.

Ø  More than 1,000 specially chosen faculty and teachers from across the Country have participated in preparing these courses.

Ø At present, the Credits up to 20% of the total courses can only be earned in a Semester by such students through online learning delivered on SWAYAM platform.

Courses under SWAYAM would be available in the following levels: For each level, there is a National Coordinator, who would be responsible for the quality of content:

·       Out of school Children: for classes 9th to 12th (National Coordinator: National Open School Society: NIOS

·        School children in classes 9th to 12th (National Coordinator: NCERT)

·       Undergraduate (non-engineering) courses (National Coordinator: CEC)

·       Post graduate (non-engineering) courses (National Coordinator: UGC)

·       Engineering Courses (National Coordinator: IIT Madras)

·       Management Courses (National Coordinator: IIM Bangalore)

·       Out of college students (National Coordinator: IGNOU)

·       Teaching the teachers (National Coordinator: NITTER Chennai)

There are 4 quadrants in the MOOC pedagogy:

      I.          Video tutorials covering a whole course – normally having about 20 hours of instruction in series of lectures, each lecture not exceeding 30 minutes.

   II.          E-Content: reading material that could add to the learning imparted through the video tutorials.

 III.          Self-Assessment: Quizzes/assignments that intersperse the course

IV.           Discussion forum for posting queries





1.    MOOCs stands for    (1) Media Online Open Courses   (2) Massachusetts Open Online Courses    (3) Massive Open Online Courses     (4) Myrind Open Online Courses

2.    In which year Digital India mission started?  (1)2014    (2)  2015    (3)  2016     (4) 2017

3.    How much of the total courses can only be earned in a Semester by such students through online learning delivered on SWAYAM platform.

(1) 30% (2)  20%    (3)  40%   (4) 10%


4.    How much % the aim to raise the Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in the higher education including vocational education by 2035?  (1) 40% (2)  50%    (3)  30%   (4) 26%

5.    SWAYAM  Stands for 


 (1)  Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds  (2) Study  wise  of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds    (3)  Study Webs of Access  Learning for Young Aspiring Minds   (4) Smart  Webs of Active Learning  for Young Aspiring Minds  




Sunday 9 May 2021

Quality education through ICT – National Policy on ICT (2012)


Quality education through ICT – National Policy on ICT (2012).



Ø 1..An environment to develop a community knowledgeable about ICT

Ø 2. An ICT literate community which can deploy, utilise, benefit from ICT and contribute to nation building

Ø  3.An environment of collaboration, cooperation and sharing, conducive to the creation of a demand for optimal utilisation of and optimum returns on the potentials of ICT in education ‘


Ø  1.Universal, equitable, open and free access to a state-of-the-art ICT and ICT enabled tools and resources to all students and teachers

Ø  2.Development of local and localised quality content and to enable students and teachers to partner in the development and critical use of shared digital resources

Ø 3. Development of professional networks of teachers, resource persons and schools to catalyse and support resource sharing, upgradation, and continuing education of teachers; guidance, counselling and academic support to students; and resource sharing, management and networking of school managers and administrators, resulting in improved efficiencies in the schooling process

Ø   4. Research, evaluation and experimentation in ICT tools and ICT enabled practices in order to inform, guide and utilise the potentials of ICT in school education

Ø  5.Acritical understanding of ICT, its benefits, dangers and limitations


Motivate and enable

Ø Wider participation of all sections of society in strengthening the school education process through appropriate utilisation of ICT

System Approach to Instruction in ICT


System Approach to Instruction.

System approach was introduced during Second World War. Since then, it has particularly influenced the management decisions of industry, government, military and business sectors. System refers to a fixed method. In fact, system approach is a thorough analysis of a system.




It is applied to develop, implement, and evaluate various aspects of the education system, and sub-system. It is a problem-solving method, analysing the educational process, and making it more effective. The purpose of the systems analysis is to create an enabling learning environment for both teachers and students.

Advantages of System approach

Ø System approach helps to identify the suitability of the resource material to achieve the specific goal.

Ø Technological advance could be used to provide integration of machines, media and people for attaining the defined goal.

Ø It helps to assess the resource needs, their sources and facilities in relation to quantities, time and others factors.

Ø It permits an orderly introduction of components demonstrated to be required for systems success in term of student learning.

Ø  It avoids rigidity in plan of action as continuous evaluation affords desired beneficial changes to be made.



Disadvantages /Limitations of system approach

Ø System approach requires hard continuous work on the part of school / college

Ø  Some are not prepared for extra load.

Ø  Lack of understanding. Teacher and administrators are still not familiar with system approach.

Ø  It has still to make headway in education.

Ø Difficult to implement

Saturday 20 March 2021





• Start the topic to teach indirectly make a such environment in class so students will able to say topic.

• Write the date on top-left corner, name of subject on the top and middle, standard on right corner of the board.

 • Be pleasant.



•To gain the attention of learners and prepare them into a state of readiness

• Motivate the learners and get them interested in the lesson

• To get students focus

• To suggest an approach of the lesson

 • To give meaning to a new concept or principle, such as giving examples.


• Skill of introducing the lesson

 • Steps taken by a teacher to begin lesson or another classroom activity

• It is about getting ready and induced in right mindset to learn

• Concerned with the ways of introducing the teaching and learning process.


Announcement of the Topic with Examples:

Finding students unable to give a satisfactory answer, pupil-teacher will announce the topic by saying that today we will study about area of the cylinder.

Skill of Introduction

Student Teacher Activity

Student Activity

How many parts will you obtain if both sides upper and lower bases of this sheet are separated?

Three Parts

What is the shape of Part I, II?


What is the formula used for finding the area of circular?    

Area = πr2

Now the question arises, How will you find the area of cylinder?

Unsatisfactory response



Questioning skill is an important skill to be developed by any teacher. It is all the more important for all teacher as questioning stimulates the thinking of the students and gets the concepts clarified and hence has significant contribution to teaching and learning for all subjects. Probing is going deep into the pupils’ responses by asking a number of questions about what they already know and to lead them to the correct response or to remove any ambiguity or misconception, which has led to such responses. Probing is to be done where there is no response, or incorrect response, or partially right response.


Components and Description of Skill of Probing Questions



Description of behavior



This technique is going deep into the pupil’s initial response. This technique is employed when the student gives no response to the correct response with a series of hints or prompts through step-by-step questioning process. Giving hints or clues to lead the student from no response or wrong response to correct response.


Seeking further information

This technique involves leading a pupil from partially correct or incomplete response to the correct response through questioning.

Questions that lead the students from partially correct incomplete response to correct answer.



This technique is employed when the student gives completely correct response. Refocusing through questioning helps the pupils to view the correct response from a different viewpoint.

Questions that help the student to view his correct response in a broader perspective.



Directing the same questions to other pupils when there is a wrong response, incomplete response, partially right response, or while prompting or while seeking further information and so on.


Increasing critical awareness

It involves putting questions such as ‘how’ and ‘why’ to increase the critical awareness of the pupils about the correct response. Thus this technique is followed when the students give correct response.





 It is very important for a teacher to ensure and sustain pupil’s attention. For this purpose the teacher uses some gestures, body movements, makes certain verbal statements etc. all these behaviours are related to stimulus variation. The skill of stimulus variation can be defined as deliberate change in the attention drawing behaviours of the teacher in order to secure and sustain pupil’s attention towards the lesson.







Components and Description of Skill of Stimulus Variation



Description of Behaviour


Teacher movement

Ø Movement of the teacher from one spot to another with a specific purpose. Eg. Moves to the blackboard to write something on the board. Moves towards the back of the classroom to check what the students are doing.

Ø Purposeful movement of the teacher from one spot to another


Teacher gesture

Ø  Gestures, body movements and facial expressions to direct attention, to emphasize importance, to explain emotions, to indicate size, shapes etc.

Ø  Nonverbal cues like body movements, facial expressions etc.


Change in sensory focus

Ø  Focusing pupils attention on particular point or concept by using (1) verbal statement like ‘look at the blackboard’, ‘see the figure in the chart’ etc. (2) gestures and (3) both verbal statements and non-verbal cues.

Ø  Making use of the different senses like hearing, seeing, touching and so on.


Change in speech pattern

Ø  Voice modulation to pay special attention to a particular point.

Ø  Variation in time, pitch, speed of voice


Physical pupil pattern

Ø  Variation in physical involvement of the students

Ø  Eg: student moves towards the blackboard to work out a problem. Student holds the chart.


Verbal pupil pattern

Ø  Involvement of the students through verbal communication style as: (1) teacher to group (2)teacher to student (3) student to student

Ø  Example: asking questions, discussion etc.











            Reinforcement is strengthening the connection between a stimulus and a response. There are two types of reinforcement’s i.e. positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement. Positive reinforcement provides pleasant experience or a feeling of satisfaction which contributes towards strengthening of desirable responses or behaviours. The negative reinforcement results in unpleasant experiences, which help in weakening the occurrence of undesirable responses or behaviours.

          The skill of reinforcement can increase the students’ involvement in learning in a number of ways. The skill is used when the teacher reinforces correct responses with a smile, when the teacher praises a good response or encourages a slow learner. Such positive reinforces strengthen desirable responses whereas negative reinforces such as scolding, punishing the students, sarcastic remarks etc. weaken the undesirable response. However, the use of more and more positive reinforcers maximizes pupils’ involvement of learning rather than the use of negative reinforcers. Therefore, the skills of reinforcement involve the teacher to use more and more positive reinforcers and to decrease the use of negative reinforcers so that the pupils’ participation is maximized.


Components and Description of Skill of Reinforcement



Description of Behaviour


Positive verbal reinforcement

Comments like ‘good’, ‘very good’, ‘excellent’ etc


Positive gestures

Facial expression; example; ‘smile’



Teacher moving towards the responding student


Token reinforcement

merit card


Activity reinforcement

Giving a task, the student likes to perform


Negative verbal

Comments like ‘nonsense’


Negative gesture

Facial expression like ‘frowning’


A teacher is said to be explaining when he is describing ‘how’, ‘why’ and sometimes ‘what’ of a concept, phenomenon, event, action or condition. It can be described as an activity to bring about an understanding in the learning about a concept, principle. Etc. while explaining the teacher gives.


 Causes for some phenomena, event or action

  Reason for some phenomena, event or action

  Steps involved in arriving at a result or

 Various events that have resulted in phenomena

Explaining bridges, the gap in understanding the new knowledge by relating it to the past experience. Thus, explaining depends upon the type of the past experience, the type of the new knowledge and the type of the relationship between them. Explanations can be made more effective by using simple and clear language for clarity, examples and illustration materials for better understanding and appropriate link words for relating the concepts.



Components and Description of Skill of Explanation



Description of Behaviour


Beginning statement

Gaining attention / arousing interest

Today we are going to derive / discuss /describe



  State concepts clearly

  Define new terms and concepts; use simple language, maintain logical sequence.

  Use suitable examples and illustration

  Voice modulation to emphasis

  Develop the explanation from:

              Known to unknown. Examples to rule.



Use simple language / easy flow of ideas / use appropriate vocabulary


Use of link words

  Use linking words and phrases. Example : therefore, similarly, that is, since, that is why, because, in order to, hence … etc.


Planned repetition

  Provide summaries to refocus attention

  Deliberately repeat some important concepts or points.


Stimulating questions

  Check the understanding by questioning.

  Stimulate and channelise the students thinking by thought provoking questions like how, why type.


Concluding statement

  Consolidate the ideas by summarizing.

  Conclude the explanation by statements like ‘Thus we have proved / so far we discuss’ etc.