Friday 10 April 2020

Unit test, Half yearly examination, Annual examination & Semester System

Unit test, Half yearly examination, Annual examination & Semester System

 Unit Test:
Teaching and testing are the integral part of educational system. Testing is implicit in teaching some of the stages, which may be properly marked for testing procedures.
1.      During teaching.
2.      At the end of teaching a daily lesson.
3.      At the end of teaching a unit.

   A test at the end of a teaching unit is known as the unit test.
Usually the test / Examinations are held based on the entire syllabus. A unit test is not a random assessment of questions. It is preplanned, systematic and scientific test.
A unit test is a test which is constructed, administered and assessed by a teacher after teaching a particular unit to the students.
Characteristics of Unit test:
1.      Unit test is an Evaluation tool for measurement of pupils and knowledge achievement and to improve by giving feed  back.
2.      It is based on a single unit.
3.      It is administered at the completions of the unit.
4.      It is clear from the above evidence that a unit testing is an integral part of teaching process. Unit testing makes instruction a dynamic process through continuous evaluation and regular feed back.
Half yearly examination:
As per the latest terms, the two periodic tests or unit tests conducted during the course of the year carry 10 percent weightage each. The half-yearly exams carry 30 percent weightage. And the remaining 50 percent weightage is carried by the Session ending examinations.

Annual examination:
A final examination, annual, exam, final interview, or simply final, is a test given to students at the end of a course of study or training. Although the term can be used in the context of physical training, it most often occurs in the academic world. Most high schools, colleges, and universities run final exams at the end of a particular academic term, typically a quarter or semester, or more traditionally at the end of a complete degree course.
The purpose of the test is to make a final review of the topics covered and assessment of each student's knowledge of the subject. A final is technically just a greater form of a "unit test". They have the same purpose, finals are simply larger. Not all courses or curricula culminate in a final exam; instructors may assign a term paper or final project in some courses. The weighting of the final exam also varies. It may be the largest or only factor in the student's course grade; in other cases, it may carry the same weight as a midterm exam, or the student may be exempted. Not all finals need be cumulative, however, as some simply cover the material presented since the last exam. For example, a microbiology course might only cover fungi and parasites on the final exam if this were the policy of the professor, and all other subjects presented in the course would then not be tested on the final exam
Semester System:  
It  is divided into two major parts-school education and college education. The school education consists of elementary, secondary and senior secondary stages. The college education also consists of three stages-graduation, post graduation and research degree level. First public examination is conducted at the end of secondary stage (class X), second at the end of senior secondary education (class XII), and after this examination are held every year. After one year of instructions a public examination is conducted by the institution. Every student has to appear in an examination after one year or academic session. An academic session is the duration of teaching, approximately equivalent to one year between two successive annual examination.

Importance of semester system:

Carrying out the teaching work more regularly and comprehensively by using interdisciplinary approach, mutual  corporation and new instructional strategies.  Making the syllabus more broad-based with main subjects including core and elective subjects.
 Providing greater variety of subject area to suit the intellectual, motivational requirements of the students.
 Reducing unnecessary stress and strain before and during teaching and examination period and making learning purposeful, pleasant and joyful activity.
  Making teaching-learning more broad-based by including class discussion, tutorials, assignments and library work.
 Introducing a system that can receive continuous feedback for improvement of learning experience so as to make them more effective. The implementation of semester system
In the traditional system, the whole educative process is aimed at fulfilling the requirements of examination and teacher has no time for development activities due to pressing demand of completing course. The system provides for introduction of greater flexibility in the curriculum and students have variety of courses open to them. This strengthens their knowledge base and provides flexibility in making future educational and vocational choices.
The teaching-learning process is constantly monitored by teachers through tests, assignments, classroom discussion and personal interaction with the students.
 The concept of credit hours is more  good thing to engage students in learning.
 Students develop the habit of regular study sense of punctuality and work ethics.
 Semester system requires a flexible and broad based curriculum to allow interdisciplinary approach of teaching and learning. The teachers are not in the habit of taking pain.
The teaching schedule will have to be adjusted to suit the requirements of flexibility of courses. Teaching not only requires well planned time-table, but also expert teachers capable of organizing such programmes.

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