Wednesday 3 October 2018

Nature & characteristic of Science

                                                        Nature & characteristic of science

Science is a systematic method of continuing investigation that uses observation, hypothesis, testing, measurement, experimentation, logical argument and theory building to lead to more adequate explanation of natural phenomena.  

Ø Methodological activity, discipline, or study. An activity that appears to require study and method.
Ø Knowledge, especially that gained through experience.
Ø Is the ongoing process of exploring and discovering the way nature works.  We may never know everything there is to know about life and the universe, but we can continue to expand our understanding by making observations, asking questions, & seeking answers.

Science is our attempt to understand the objects and events we experience in nature and the means by which we do so.  People develop understanding about things they experience by asking question and finding answers.  What is life?  Why does my heartbeat?  Why does it pump blood?  What causes diseases such as Herpes, Diabetes, or AIDS?  Why won’t my car start?  In attempting to find answers to questions such as these, one is actually doing science.  In biology most of the questions involve living things.  Finding answers to them involves you in doing biology… the science of life.

Steps to make Theory:
Observation → Analysis the questions → Hypothesis → Prediction → Testing Hypothesis / Experimentation if it is success then becomes Theory if not the again, we have to make new Hypothesis.

Nature of Science

1.     Science is a particular way  of looking  at nature
2.     Science is  an accumulated and systematized body of knowledge
3.     Science is an interdisciplinary area of learning.

Characteristics of Science: 

1.  It is guided by natural law
   The pursuit of scientific knowledge must be guided by the physical and chemical laws that govern the universe (state of existence).

2.  It has to be explained by referencing these natural laws.
   Scientific knowledge must explain what is observed by reference in nature.  We cannot invoke the explanations based on supernatural deities (ghosts, angels, gremlins, fairies, etc.) miracles, or magic.
   Science must only rely on observable, testable evidence which must either support or not support hypotheses.  Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

3.  Science is testable against the observable world. 
   We must be able to make observations in the real world, directly or indirectly, ask questions, or form and test hypotheses = a tentative, causal explanation/answer for an observation or phenomenon.
_   We use observations and/or tests to answer questions about the natural world.
   Science relies on observable, testable evidence, which must either support or not support hypotheses.

4.  Its conclusions are tentative, that is, are not necessarily the final word.
_   If we draw a conclusion based on some observation or test on some event, we must be ready always to discard or to modify our conclusion, if further observations falsify it.
_   Can’t be scientific if you start with a conclusion and refuse to change it regardless of the evidence developed during the course of the investigation.

5.  It is falsifiable.
-       You must be able to disprove any statement.  If there is no possibility that the statement cannot be correct, then it isn’t science.  What this means is that science will seek out errors and correct them.  Unlike other philosophies, it’s a self-correcting system.  We add to and take away information on a daily basis depending on new discoveries and new evidence. 
6.  It relies on evidence that is testable (from observations and experimentations).  If we cannot make repeated observations or experiments to gather information, then it is outside the realm of science (e.g. UFO’s, haunted houses, etc.). 

7.     Science is logical & rational
8.     Science makes well-defined claims
9.     Scientific experiments are repeatable
10.   Science insists that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence

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