Wednesday 3 October 2018

Audio-Visual Aids in teaching mathematics

Audio-Visual Aids in teaching mathematics
“Beauty attract to the person”
Popular saying on Audio- visual Aids:
The thing which I hear, I may forgot
          The thing which I see, I may remembered
      The thing which I do, I cannot  forget
 The use of Audio-Visual aids in teaching is not a fashion but is a matter belief and actual practice. That to say of ordinary visual aids e.g. charts. Graphs, map, models, etc. they are using films film-strips, epidiascope, tape-recorder, radio and television to make education valuable and worthwhile.
 Audio-Visual Aids an Fit Well in:
 a) Traditional system (from primary stage to higher secondary)
 b) Basic system of education
c) Project method kindergarten Montessori etc.
Features of Audio-Visual Aids:
 (i) Arouses interest,  (ii) Modifies attitude,  (iii) Claries concepts,  (iv) Stimulates thinking,  (v) Summarizes contents,  (vi) Demonstrates knowledge and  (vii) Concretizes knowledge.
 We  should  use to  Audio-visual packages to teach abstract and difficult oriented mathematical concepts, to enhance easy retention and high academic performance of our students. It will be  effective and efficient in the  classroom teaching-learning process.

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