Thursday 2 August 2018


Developing children's abilities for mathematisation is the main goal of mathematics education. The narrow aim of school mathematics is to develop 'useful' capabilities, particularly those relating to numeracy–numbers, number operations, measurements, decimals and percentages. The higher aim is to develop the child's resources to think and reason mathematically, to pursue assumptions to their logical conclusion and to handle abstraction. It includes a way of doing things, and the ability and the attitude to formulate and solve problems. This calls for a curriculum that is ambitious, coherent and teaches important principles of mathematics. It should be ambitious in the sense that it seeks to achieve the higher aim mentioned above, rather than only the narrower aim. It should be coherent in
the sense that the variety of methods and skills available piecemeal (in arithmetic, algebra, geometry) cohere into an ability to address problems that come from other
domains such as science and social studies in high school. It should be important in the sense that students feel the need to solve such problems, that teachers and
students find it worth their time and energy to address these problems.

As mathematics is a compulsory subject at the secondary stage, access to quality mathematics education is the right of every child.  Most of the skills taught in primary school mathematics are useful. However, a reorientation of the curriculum towards addressing the 'higher aims' mentioned above will make better use of the time that children spend in school in terms of the problem-solving and analytical skills that it builds, and in preparing children to better meet a wide variety of problems in life.

 Vision for School Mathematics
• Children learn to enjoy mathematics rather than fear it.

• Children learn important mathematics: Mathematics is more than formulas and
mechanical procedures.

• Children see mathematics as something to talk about, to communicate through, to discuss among themselves, to work together on. Children pose and solve meaningful problems.

• Children use abstractions to perceive relation-ships, to see structures, to reason out things, to argue the truth or falsity of statements.
• Children understand the basic structure of Mathematics: Arithmetic, algebra, geometry and trigonometry, the basic content areas of school Mathematics, all offer a methodology for abstraction, structuration and generalisation.
• Teachers engage every child in class with the conviction that everyone can learn mathematics.

The Curriculum:

At the pre-primary stage, all learning occurs through play rather than through didactic communication. Rather than the rote learning of the number sequence, children need to learn and understand, in the context of small sets, the connection between word games and counting, and between counting and quantity. Making simple comparisons and classifications along one dimension at a time, and identifying shapes and symmetries, are appropriate skills to acquire at this stage. Encouraging children to use language to freely express one's thoughts
and emotions, rather than in predetermined ways, is
extremely important at this and at later stages.

At the primary stage : Having children develop a positive attitude towards, and a liking for, Mathematics at the primary stage is as important, if not more than the cognitive skills and concepts that they acquire. Mathematical games, puzzles and stories help in developing a positive attitude and in making connections between
mathematics and everyday thinking. It is important to note that mathematics is not just arithmetic. Besides numbers and number operations, due importance must be given to shapes, spatial understanding, patterns, measurement and data handling. The curriculum must explicitly incorporate the progression that learners make
from the concrete to the abstract while acquiring concepts. Apart from computational skills, stress must be laid on identifying, expressing and explaining
patterns, on estimation and approximation in solving problems, on making connections, and on the development of skills of language in communication and reasoning.

At the upper primary stage, students get the first taste of the power of Mathematics through the application of powerful abstract concepts that compress previous learning and experience. This enables them to revisit and consolidate basic concepts and skills learnt at the primary stage, which is essential from the point of view of achieving universal mathematical literacy. Students are introduced to algebraic notation and its use in solving problems and in generalisation, to the systematic study of space and shapes, and for consolidating their knowledge of measurement. Data handling, representation and interpretation form a significant part of the ability of dealing with information in general, which is an essential 'life skill'. The learning at this stage also offers an opportunity to enrich students' spatial reasoning and visualisation skills.

At the secondary stage, students begin to perceive the structure of Mathematics as a discipline. They become familiar with the characteristics of mathematical communication: carefully defined terms and concepts, the use of symbols to represent them, precisely stated propositions, and proofs justifying propositions. These aspects are developed particularly in the area of geometry. Students develop their facility with algebra, which is important not only in the application of mathematics, but also within mathematics in providing justifications and proofs. At this stage, students integrate the many concepts and skills that they have learnt into
a problem-solving ability. Mathematical modelling, data analysis and interpretation taught at this stage can consolidate a high level of mathematical literacy. Individual and group exploration of connections and patterns, visualisation and generalisation, and making and proving conjectures are important at this stage, and can be encouraged through the use of appropriate tools that include concrete models as in Mathematics laboratories and computers.

At the higher secondary stage : The aim of the Mathematics curriculum at the
higher secondary stage is to provide students with an appreciation of the wide variety of the application of Mathematics, and equip them with the basic tools that
enable such application. A careful choice between the often conflicting demands of depth versus breadth needs to be made at this stage. The rapid explosion of Mathematics as a discipline, and of its range of application, favours an increase in the breadth of coverage. Such increase must be dictated by mathematical considerations of the importance of topics to be included. Topics that are more naturally the province of other disciplines may be left out of the Mathematics curriculum. The treatment of topics must have an objective, that is, the communication of mathematical insights and concepts, which naturally
arouse the interest and curiosity of students.

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