Thursday 21 November 2019

Right person

If a person say only positivity about you and you feel buttering me be alert. If a person say only about you person may be not good. Both category of people harm you but if a person say about you all positivity and negatively. That is right person for you.

Wednesday 25 September 2019

Mathematics library and Club

A school library  is a library within a school where students, staff, and often, parents of a public or private school have access to a variety of resources. The goal of the school library media center is to ensure that all members of the school community have equitable access "to books and reading, to information, and to information technology. A school library media center "uses all types of media is automated, and utilizes the Internet  as well as books for information gathering. School libraries are distinct from public libraries because they serve as "learner-oriented laboratories which support, extend, and individualize the school's curriculum... A school library serves as the center and coordinating agency for all material used in the school. Mathematics books, reference and related materials should be keep in separate in general library.
 Mathematics books, reference and related materials should be in keep in proper order.
Reference book of daily use should be available.
Materials should be based on needs of the students of teachers.
Reputed Authors books should be available.
INTERNET Facility.
 Maximum number of copies should be available for every books.
Magazine related to mathematics.
Latest editions books/ Materials
The meeting place where students of mathematics sit and discuss together is called mathematics club.
The club represents freedom and expression whereas the classroom represents conformity and repression .    “ M.C. Kown”
Aims of Mathematics club:
Touch with day by day invention.
To develop interest
To develop competitive spirit, Quiz, Debate etc.

Sunday 1 September 2019

Mind set.

It is very very important to do something. If we have set in our mind to complete my work today by this time. Automatically it will start and we get so much energy to complete the work. If we think I have to consume this amount of energy, expense this much amount etc  & set in hour mind that I have to adjust anyhow. I am sure it will be done & we may reach to our goal.

Friday 30 August 2019

Whatever We learned till today implement it for respective person & in respective areas. Who knows about tomorrow. So no need to keep your mind only spread it.

Monday 27 May 2019


Animation  derived from the latin verb, animare, which means ‘to give life to’ and  it means  that  “within the context of the animated film, this largely means the artificial creation of the illusion of movement in inanimate lines and forms.”. In traditional animation, images are drawn or painted by hand on transparent celluloid sheets to be photographed and exhibited on film. Today, most animations are made with computer-generated imagery (CGI). Computer animation can be very detailed 3D animation, while 2D computer animation can be used for stylistic reasons, low bandwidth or faster real-time renderings. Other common animation methods apply a stop motion technique to two and three-dimensional objects like paper cutoutspuppets or clay figures.
 In the world of child development we follow “critical thinking skills” and “creative problem-solving abilities” when referring to our goals for  child’s cognitive development. What we are really talking about is imagination. The way to create human beings with imagination is to provide them with opportunities to develop it for themselves when they are very young. These opportunities are found in one place and that is play. Playing with paints, playing with play dough, with costumes, with glue and with crayons. Making a mess. Exploring the woods. Splashing in a puddle, Pretending to be a bird, gliding through the sky.
Are we providing  our children enough opportunities for this type of play? If they are spending hours sitting at a computer, watching television or playing video games, they are passive participants being fed someone else’s stories instead of having the time and space to dream up their own. If they are enrolled in soccer, ballet, T-ball, karate and gymnastics all in the same week, they are receiving wonderful opportunities to develop their skills. But they have little to no opportunity to use their creativity and imagination to decide how to use their free time, what fantasy to explore or what part of their world they’d like to discover more about at their own pace, in their own way.
Often parents today think that if they give their children too much free time they are wasting opportunities for learning and preparing children for their futures. But these types of parental choices, though done with love and the best of intentions, are not a gift to children, according to current child development theory and research. Children today desperately need time and space to develop their creative imaginations free from adult agendas. Even if our children complain, “I’m bored!  There’s nothing to do!” please, please, please trust that if we force them to figure out for themselves how to fill their time, their innate creativity will kick in and their imaginations will soar!
In today advancement of technology, television is a big part in the role of delivering information to the society. The influence of this form of media has no exception to children. Nowadays, children are growing up with television. They learn from television and trying to make sense of this system of communication. To understand what they are learning from it, the use of television and how they absorb the information are important areas to learn further about this issue. Animation as a part of television programs plays an important role to children development since animation often related to children as its target audiences. The use of cognitive skills and how they relate to many aspects inside the animation such as narrative, character, and many more influence what knowledge and skills that they acquire from watching animation. It influences their cognitive and social development with things that they are not obtained from their parents and teachers at school. This issue raises questions such as what can children learn from watching animation, or how children with different ages and cultures make sense of it in their development process.
Children Cognitive Development:
 Jean Piaget theory about cognitive development is a good first step to understand how children get their knowledge, construct it and use it.
According to Piaget, a newborn baby enters the world without basic cognitive skills and through the development as a child, he consistently trying to adapt the world around him. Constructing such an understanding is basically what cognitive development is all about. Piaget defines it as the properties of intelligence that explains why certain behaviours happened. According to Piaget there are three components that exist in cognitive development, which are function, content, and structure. Function in this case refers to broad characteristics of intellectual activity; on the other hand, content refers to what do children know, which is about raw behavioural data that is observable. In between function and content, Piaget mentioned about the existence of cognitive structure, which is the properties of intelligence that causing particular behaviours to occurs.
When a child watching animation, they use their existing knowledge to make sense of the animation that they are watching, they are trying to understand what is happening in front of their eyes at the moment. Different age group has different way of seeing and perceived things because cognitive structure keep evolving as a human grow up and obtaining information through their experiences.

What Can Children Learn from Animation:

In their first year, a child is unable to grasp the concept and narrative of the animation that he watches. According to Jean Ann Wright in her book Animation Writing and Development, while an infant still unable to sits by themselves, they enjoying watching television just by paying attention to the changing patterns of light colours and sounds. Therefore, at this sensory-motor stage, animation for them is just the same as other forms of entertainment as they just paying attention to the basic forms, movement and colours. Their lacking of object permanence ability not allows them to understand the existence of a character in the movie. As they move to different stages, they start to explore the world around them. They begin to learn about language and symbols as a representation of actions. They will start to interact with things that they watch until finally they are able to grasp the content of the animation that they watch.
As they enter the pre-operational stage, narratives and characters in animation start to have influences on their development. Although they still see things very literally, they start to pay attention at the setting of the event, and as they developing language ability, they will start to imitate the movement and dialog of the character in the animation, although they still unaware of the traits that the particular character possess. They are still relating the character in the animation to them limited to what is literally shown in the movie. Their egocentric thought allows them to relate at the character in the animation in a very narrow point of view.
During the Concrete operational stage, a child is now able to relate the characteristic of the character to him to an extent of what a character is being portrayed in the animation. Without his egocentric thought he is able to see the character from other point of view. For example if he watches a Aladdin, he is not only seeing Jasmine as a beautiful princess but also taking the point of view of Aladdin as a princess that want to be free and his lover. But he still need a concrete situation in the movie to help him understand the character from other point of view. And lastly during the formal operational stage, a child is now able to fully relate himself to the character in the animation. He also begins to grasp the concept and morale behind it rather than using an image representation to relate to the character. He is now able to relate himself to the character abstractly using his logic. He is now able to think what possibilities that the character might behave in the movie even if it is not shown in any scene. Animation has the most impact at this stage, where a child can relate himself to many things from the character other than what the animation showed in the narrative. He will memorize lots of symbols regarding his surroundings.
Let’s take an example of how a child in formal-operational period can relate himself to violence aspect in animation. Does watching too much violence in animation will leads a child into a violent teenager? For example, a child at this stage will see a gun as a symbol of killing. But at the same time it does not necessarily cause a child to act more violently. As a gun can also symbolize justice where in the movie a hero use it to shoot the villain. It can promote a view that violence is common in everyday life, which will make them think that the world around them is a mean and dangerous place. Therefore it will create fears in their minds. Or it can create the opposite effect that having a gun will make a child feel safe. The ability of abstract thinking that a child at formal-operational period possessed will make a child have a different point of view compared to others.
Animation affects children differently according to their cognitive development level. At pre-operational and concrete-operational period, a child started to relate himself to the character in the animation limited to what is being showed in the animation. At formal-operational period, a child is no longer use image representation as much as before and able to fully relate himself to the character in the animation.

EDUSAT ( Educational Satellite)

EDUSAT ( Educational Satellite)
 EDUSAT launched in the year 2004 on 20th September by ISRO in India .It is dedicated purely to education.
EDUSAT aims to connect urban and rural educational institutions throughout India to provide a formal educational infrastructure and also to help spread knowledge about health and other related issues to more remote areas of the country.
The satellite will enable distance education to take place throughout India by interfacing with video from each school. The ISRO satellite program currently covers more than 1,000 schools and is expected to grow to 10,000 schools in the next three years.
Satellite is naturally important in a country that has several  high-tech centers but covers a vast amount of geography most of which is manifestly unwired. While asynchronous, satellite does offer interactive possibilities.
The satellite will be used for learning in many ways, such as beaming local language-instruction programs to address illiteracy. For example, one program allows students to send video questions to any teacher in any connected classroom, anywhere in India, using a streaming video card over the EDUSAT satellite. The teacher then responds to these questions through EDUSAT. The satellite also will be used in teacher training.

Teleconferencing & Video conferencing

Teleconferencing & Video conferencing
The holding of a conference among people remote from one another by means of telecommunication devices.Another word teleconference is the live exchange and mass articulation of information among several persons and machines remote from one another but linked by a telecommunications system. Terms such as audio conferencing, telephone conferencing and phone conferencing are also sometimes used to refer to teleconferencing.
The telecommunications system may support the teleconference by providing one or more of the following: audio, video, and/or data services by one or more means, such as telephonecomputertelegraphteletypewriterradio, and television
Video conferencing is the technology that allows you to hold meetings with several correspondents who are located in different places while seeing and talking to them in real time. It is different from simple video calling, which is normally one-to-one video communication. 
Some time ago, video calling or conferencing was a luxury that required expensive and (then) complex equipment and expertise. Today, We literally carry it in our pocket. We can participate in or host video conferencing sessions on our Smartphone and mobile device as well as on our computer with basic hardware and adequate Internet connectivity.
Video conferencing:
Video conferencing has become more common and more accessible thanks to the advent and development of Voice over IP, which harnesses the underlying IP infrastructure of the Internet to make free communication possible. Packets of video, voice, and other types of data are carried on the Internet, thereby making voice and video communication free. 
We need to be aware that video conferencing has a much higher bandwidth requirement than a simple video call. A typical estimate for a session with decent quality video would be 1 Mbps for each participant. If HD video quality is of importance, consider this as the minimum value. Each participant also needs to have the same connectivity provisions, failing which they risk missing much of the session and also messing around with the whole collective experience. 
The most well-established free video conferencing tool around is Skype. As it stands today, however, it may not be the best.  Alternative tools include TeamViewer, Google Hangouts,, and many others. 
Advantage & Uses:
No Need To Travel
It costs a lot of money and a lot of time to travel to meet people. With video conferencing, we can organize and hold a meeting within the hour with participants from remote places all over the world. we only need to have the necessary equipment and be present in front of the screen at the chosen time. The pre-meeting organization can be done via email or instant messaging.

Bind our Mobile Workers:

Our workforce may be scattered around the city of around the country if we are mobile workers. We connect back to base through our mobile devices. We can leverage this existing mobile infrastructure to conduct video conferencing meetings with our workforce. Besides, the visual nature of video conferencing even allows we to check the activities and whereabouts of our employees.

It Aids Telecommuting:

Video conferencing is also an essential tool for teleworking or telecommuting- working away from the office, often at home. If our business has a quite open timetable and our workers or co-workers work from home, one way to curb the lack of interaction within the workforce and the lack of downward instruction or upward reporting is video conferencing.

Organize Meetings Independent of Time:

Now that meetings online are free from the huge obstacle of travel expenses and restrictions, they can be organized more often. We can meet people around the world every day or even several times a day. This allows our business to move at the speed the world is moving. Our business moves without we having to move and that's very fast.
Our meetings can be very short notice. Participants will no longer have excuses related to location and travel; they only have to free themselves. This means that We can schedule video conferencing meetings quickly and get it running quickly. We can also easily squeeze in anyone with a tight schedule.

Humanize our Conversation:

Take this point in contrast with voice communication or email correspondence. A video is moving pictures, which are worth more than a million words. By showing ourself and seeing others, you can work the charms of body language, which is so important in business and other activities involving human interaction. Also, seeing someone while talking to them completely changes the nomenclature of a conversation, be it for business or in a personal relationship.

Show Things:

Seeing is believing, and showing is convincing. Through video conferencing, you can write on a board and show it to everyone, demonstrate your latest product, or introduce a new recruit. Often, you can show things that you cannot take along with you in your suitcase while traveling to a meeting. 

Learn and Teach Online:

There are great courses being offered and great teachers teaching everywhere, but most of them are probably very far from us. If we are a teacher or trainer, our market may be far from where we are. Video conferencing is a great way of acquiring and sharing knowledge beyond hurdles. While it will not be like being physically present, the interaction is adequate. We will be able to use multimedia facilities like online interactive whiteboards, and we can use online collaboration tools.

Tuesday 16 April 2019

Internet & Uses

Internet & USES.
The Internet is a sea of data and information in which a little dip can speed up and change the way we live and do business. The use of  Internet in education is providing new opportunities for both students and educators alike. Uses of the Internet in our daily life is depending on desires and goals. Activities in our daily life are decided after the use of Internet.  Internet innovated our daily life. We spend lots of time on the Web.
Positive use of the Internet makes our lives easy and simple. The Internet provides us useful data, information, and knowledge for the personal, social and economic development and it is up to us to utilize our time on the worldwide web in a productive manner. The Internet is a revolution in information technology. While there are various uses of the Internet but you can use the internet for getting an online education.We can use the Internet to promote our business online.
We can do online courses and improve your writing, communication, business and online marketing skills. Online shopping, social media, emails, chatting are common things that we do daily. We  are free to use the Internet. The Internet is a magical tool that will help you to become successful in your career and business. But only the positive and productive use of the Internet.The global network of computers has changed our lives tremendously. We are hungry to use the Internet. That’s why more than 40% of the world’s  population is connected to the Internet according to This is because we are connected to various information and lifestyle facilities.  It is because a large number of new people are getting connected to the Internet via their portable devices every day. We start our day after notifications and emails. This means that as soon as we wake up we are flooded with information from different sources.  Sometimes it is struggling to prioritize and decide which information is useful and which is not.  Using the Internet positively means we can decide what is important for the day. The Internet is a sea of data and information in which a little dip can speed up and change the way we live and do business.
1.      Students’ daily life
2.      To increase the speed of daily task.
3.      For business promotion and Innovation.
4.      Shopping in daily life.
5.      Research and Development.
6.      Quick and free communication.
7.      International uses of  internet by working  Remotely and  providing business services.
8.      In Money Management.
9.      For Teaching and sharing the knowledge with others.
10.  In Cashless Economy.
11.  In environment Development.
12.  Tour and Travel.
13.  Government policies and Scheme
14.  For Parents & kids.


TEST: It is a tool for Measurement. It consists set of Questions, administered during set of time.
MEASUREMENT: It is a process of Testing and consists Quantitative property. It belongs that how much aspect of the attributes measured.
ASSESSMENT: It is a process of Testing and Observing. It consists Quantitative & Qualitative  property. It is a continuous process. It belongs that how well aspect of the attributes assessed.
A test is an assessment intended to measure a test taker's knowledgeskillaptitudephysical fitness etc. A test may be administered verbally, on paper, on a computer, or in a confined area that requires a test taker to physically perform a set of skills. Tests vary in style, rigor and requirements. For example, in a closed book test, a test taker is often required to rely upon memory to respond to specific items whereas in an open book test, a test taker may use one or more supplementary tools such as a reference book or calculator when responding to an item. A test may be administered formally or informally. An example of an informal test would be a reading test administered by a parent to a child. An example of a formal test would be a final examination administered by a teacher in a classroom or an I.Q. test administered by a psychologist in a clinic. Formal testing often results in a grade or a test score. A test score may be interpreted with regards to a norm or criterion, or occasionally both. The norm may be established independently, or by statistical analysis of a large number of participants. An exam is meant to test a child's knowledge or willingness to give time to manipulate that subject.
standardized test is any test that is administered and scored in a consistent manner to ensure legal defensibility. Standardized tests are often used in educationprofessional certificationpsychology , the military, and many other fields.
A non-standardized test is usually flexible in scope and format, variable in difficulty and significance. Since these tests are usually developed by individual instructors, the format and difficulty of these tests may not be widely adopted or used by other instructors or institutions. A non-standardized test may be used to determine the proficiency level of students, to motivate students to study, and to provide feedback to students. In some instances, a teacher may develop non-standardized tests that resemble standardized tests in scope, format, and difficulty for the purpose of preparing their students for an upcoming standardized test. Finally, the frequency and setting by which a non-standardized tests are administered are highly variable and are usually constrained by the duration of the class period. A class instructor may for example, administer a test on a weekly basis or just twice a semester. Depending on the policy of the instructor or institution, the duration of each test itself may last for only five minutes to an entire class period.
A test may be developed and administered by an instructor, a clinician, a governing body, or a test provider. In some instances, the developer of the test may not be directly responsible for its administration. For example, Educational Testing Service (ETS), a nonprofit educational testing and assessment organization, develops standardized tests such as the SAT but may not directly be involved in the administration or proctoring of these tests. As with the development and administration of educational tests, the format and level of difficulty of the tests themselves are highly variable and there is no general consensus or invariable standard for test formats and difficulty. Often, the format and difficulty of the test is dependent upon the educational philosophy of the instructor, subject matter, class size, policy of the educational institution, and requirements of accreditation or governing bodies. In general, tests developed and administered by individual instructors are non-standardized whereas tests developed by testing organizations are standardized.

Testing in school is usually done for purposes of assessment, to assign students grades (from tests in classrooms) or rank them in terms of abilities. (in standardized tests). Yet tests can serve other purposes in educational settings that greatly improve performance.
1.      The testing effect: retrieval aids later retention
2.      Testing identifies gaps in knowledge
3.      Testing causes students to learn more from the next learning episode
4.     Testing produces better organization of knowledge
5.      Testing improves transfer of knowledge to new contexts
6.     Testing can facilitate retrieval of information that was not tested
7.     Testing improves metacognitive monitoring
8.     Testing prevents interference from prior material when  learning new material
9.     Testing provides feedback to instructors
10.  Frequent testing encourages students to study


1.      To assist student learning.
2.      To identify students’ strengths and weaknesses.
3.      To assess the effectiveness of a particular instructional strategy.
4.      To assess and improve the effectiveness of curriculum programs.
5.       To assess and improve teaching effectiveness.
6.      To provide data that assist in decision making.

STATISTICS: Meaning & Uses

STATISTICS: Meaning & Uses

The practice or science of collecting and analysing numerical data in large quantities, especially for the purpose of inferring proportions in a whole from those in a representative sample. Statistics is branch of mathematics concerned with  C2IA  i.e Collection, Classification, Interpretation & Analysis of numerical facts, for drawing inferences on the basis of their quantifiable likelihood (probability).It can interpret aggregates of data too large to be intelligible by ordinary observation because such data (unlike individual quantities) tend to behave in regular, predictable manner. It is subdivided into descriptive statistics and inferential statistics.


Statistics plays a vital role in every fields of human activity. It  has important role in determining the existing position of per capita income, unemployment, population growth rate, housing, schooling medical facilities etc in a country. Now statistics holds a central position in almost every field like Industry, Commerce, Trade, Physics, Chemistry, Economics, Mathematics, Biology, Botany, Psychology, Astronomy etc, so application of statistics is very wide. Now we discuss some important fields in which statistics is commonly applied.
1.      In the field of  Business:
Statistics play an important role in business. A successful businessman must be very quick and accurate in decision making. He knows that what his customers wants, he should therefore, know what to produce and sell and in what quantities. Statistics helps businessman to plan production according to the taste of the costumers, the quality of the products can also be checked more efficiently by using statistical methods. So all the activities of the businessman based on statistical information. He can make correct decision about the location of business, marketing of the products, financial resources etc.
2.      In the field of  Economics:
Statistics play an important role in economics. Economics largely depends upon statistics. National income accounts are multipurpose indicators for the economists and administrators. Statistical methods are used for preparation of these accounts. In economics research statistical methods are used for collecting and analysis the data and testing hypothesis. The relationship between supply and demands is studies by statistical methods, the imports and exports, the inflation rate, the per capita income are the problems which require good knowledge of statistics.

3.      In the field of  Banking:
Statistics play an important role in banking. The banks make use of statistics for a number of purposes. The banks work on the principle that all the people who deposit their money with the banks do not withdraw it at the same time. The bank earns profits out of these deposits by lending to others on interest. The bankers use statistical approaches based on probability to estimate the numbers of depositors and their claims for a certain day.
4.      In the field of  State Management (Administration):
Statistics is essential for a country. Different policies of the government are based on statistics. Statistical data are now widely used in taking all administrative decisions. Suppose if the government wants to revise the pay scales of employees in view of an increase in the living cost, statistical methods will be used to determine the rise in the cost of living. Preparation of federal and provincial government budgets mainly depends upon statistics because it helps in estimating the expected expenditures and revenue from different sources. So statistics are the eyes of administration of the state.
5.      In the field of  Accounting and Auditing:
Accounting is impossible without exactness. But for decision making purpose, so much precision is not essential the decision may be taken on the basis of approximation, know as statistics. The correction of the values of current asserts is made on the basis of the purchasing power of money or the current value of it.
In auditing sampling techniques are commonly used. An auditor determines the sample size of the book to be audited on the basis of error.
6.      In the field of  Natural and Social Sciences:
Statistics plays a vital role in almost all the natural and social sciences. Statistical methods are commonly used for analyzing the experiments results, testing their significance in Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Meteorology, Research chambers of commerce, Sociology, Business, Public Administration, Communication and Information Technology etc.
7.      In the field of  Astronomy:
Astronomy is one of the oldest branches of statistical study; it deals with the measurement of distance, sizes, masses and densities of heavenly bodies by means of observations. During these measurements errors are unavoidable so most probable measurements are founded by using statistical methods.
Example: This distance of moon from the earth is measured. Since old days the astronomers have been statistical methods like method of least squares for finding the movements of stars.
8.      In the field of  Research: Statistics plays a vital role in Researches. For example it can used as in data collection, analysis. Interpretation , explanation and presentation. Use of statistics will guide researchers in research for proper characterization, summarization. Presentation,  interpretation of the result of research. Statistics provides a platform to  for research as to ; How to go about our research, either to consider a sample or the whole population, the Techniques to use in data collection and observation, how to go about the data description by the using of measures of central tendency like Mean , Median, Mode etc. To finding the test by using T test,  Chi square, ANOVA etc.